Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Road Trip Recap!

I am writing this post from Minnesota!!  Yea!!  It is so good to be home.  We covered 1,187 miles over the course of about 20 hours, passing through 7 states.  Phew.  Amazingly, we never got bored.  We ate most of the snacks I bought, drank about 7 liters of water between the two of us, listened to the audio book I checked out from Cracker Barrel, and listened to my road trip playlist when traffic was too heavy for me to concentrate on a storyline.  And the hours really flew by.  The last 3 hours of the drive were a little stressful as we drove in pouring rain, but besides that it was a stress free trip and I had the best time with my mom!

Here are a couple of photos from our trip. 

Cheersing with our latte/coffee to Charlotte being in my past!

It's always interesting to see what gas stations sell...  I can say I have tried boiled peanuts and eating them once was enough for me...

The views during the first day of the drive were beautiful. I heart the mountains!

Louisville was our stop for the first night of the trip.  I thought their street lamp signs were cute!

We stayed at my brother's on the second night of our trip so I got to see my niece Anna (she can really rock the hat look!) and my nephew Kolin!

I got to see Kolin's recap of our spring break trip that he wrote for school.  I love how he spelled my name (Lesu) and other works like the Smoce Montens (Smoky Mountains).

I got to cuddle on the couch with Kolin at the end of the day.  I told him he is smiling like a muppet in this photo! 

It's so good to be back home.  As we got closer and closer to Minnesota, and the landscape shifted to the rolling farm fields and wooded bluffs, I found myself grinning ear to ear and feeling such a sense of peace.  I am glad I get a little bit of time to settle back in before starting my new job next Tuesday. 


  1. So glad you're home! And that the trip went by smoothly. Sounds like it was a good time with your mom and I am just so, so happy you are back where you belong! <3

  2. You took more pictures than I thought! It was a great trip and I was so happy that we didn't have any issues to deal with except traffic now and then! I wish we could have had about 2 more hours so we could have discussed the book you had bought, but we will have to do that another time! Thanks for inviting me to accompany you - I will never forget it!

  3. Happy for you a hundred million more times than I already was! Sounds like a great road trip, good bonding with mom (she's cute! Must run in the family!). Could not be happier for you!

  4. Love everything about this; glad you had such an awesome time with your mom, the trip went smoothly and that you were able to see your family, too. You have adorable nieces & nephews. Hope you're having a lovely week!

  5. I am so so so happy for you!! I know exactly what this feels like, as I did the exact same kind of trip when I moved back from South Carolina, it is a beautiful drive, but I never ever thought I would be so happy to miles and miles of farmland and be back in the midwest!! :)

    Aren't children's phonetic spelling interesting?? It makes sense too ... haha, I have gotten really good at reading spelling like that this year!

  6. Yay for being home! I'm glad the trip went smoothly. The picture of you and your mom is can see happiness written all over your face!

  7. Welcome home sunshine, it's been a very long time coming!!! (((HUGS)))

  8. I love that the trip went so well and that you are back home! Wahoo!

  9. Yay!! Welcome home! So glad the trip went well!

  10. Welcome home! That is quite a road trip. I know it must have been fun to spend that much time with your mom, and get to see so much other family on the way. Good times.

  11. I'm so happy for you!!! How wonderful that Charlotte is behind you.

    P.S. I will definitely do a post about Christopher's perfect French fries! Just waiting for the next time he makes them so I can snap some pics.

  12. So glad the road trip went relatively well and you had all that time to spend with your mom! Also nice you got to include a stop at your brothers on the agenda!! Yay for being HOME!

  13. It's like I'm in a time warp. I can't believe I'm only just now sitting down to read this. I love the photo of you and Kolin - your eyes tell the story of how happy you are. So glad you made it home ok.

  14. Wonderful! So glad your mom and you had such a great trip! Also glad to read that the insurance of the person that hit your car will kick in. Lots of good things gal! :)
