It seems like I am often late to adapt to new technology. For example, by the time I got my first iPhone, Apple was on their 3rd edition... and I don't have an iPad or any other sort of tablet computer... and I have yet to purchase a Blu Ray player and kind of doubt that I ever will... and if my parents hadn't bought me an eReader in 2010 because I was too stubborn/confident I wouldn't like the technology to purchase one for myself, who knows if I would have embraced them as I have!
Similarly - I was late to embrace podcasts. I heard people talk about listening to podcasts and thought - 'oh I should check those out.' But I never did - until I updated the iOS on my iPhone this past fall and realized that the podcast ap was automatically downloaded onto my phone. Suddenly it became so easy to check out podcast so I finally did - and totally fell IN LOVE with them.
Now, rarely a day goes by when I don't list to part or all of a podcast. I listen to them on my walks to work, on my drives to and from Phil's or wherever it is I am going (although listening in my car isn't great as I have to use the speaker on my phone since my car is too old for blue tooth technology), when I am running, or when I am cooking.
I'm always curious to hear what others are listening to as it helps me find new podcasts to listen to so I thought I'd share some of my favorites.
Serial - I have to start off where it all began. After hearing other friends rave about this podcast, I had to check it out and it definitely lived up to all of the buzz. In the first season of this podcast the host, Sarah Koenig, goes back and researches a murder that occurred in 1999 to try to confirm whether the person who was convicted was actually guilty. The first season is over but the host is working on a 2nd season and I can't wait to see what it's about. If you have never listened to a podcast, this is a great place to start!!
Bookriot - If you love books then this is the podcast for you! In this podcast, the hosts talk about what's new in the world of books. They cover news stories, book awards, and new books that are coming out, among other topics. My to-be read list has grown considerably since I started to listen to this podcast but the hosts have inspired me to check out books that I might not have heard of or decided to read if they hadn't spoken so highly of them! They release a new episode each week and each episode is about an hour long. They also have two other podcasts that are great -
Dear Book Nerd which addresses questions from listeners about life, love and literature, and
Reading Lives which is a podcast that interviews authors and others that work in the book industry.
Dear Sugar - Those who loved Cheryl Strayed's book, Tiny Beautiful Things, should check this podcast out. Even if you haven't read her book, you should still listen. In the podcast, she answers questions from readers about all sorts of problems such as family dynamics, trust in a relationship, and domestic violence. The two hosts, Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond, answer the questions with such insight and compassion. Even if I can't relate to the question that is being asked I feel like I always come away with a bit more insight/understanding about different topics and issues. They released their pilot episode in December and a new episode didn't drop until this week but now they will be dropping episodes (which last about 1 hour) every 2 weeks.
Invisibilia - This is a new podcast created by NPR that explores the intangible forces that shape human behavior – things like ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. The episodes are about things like what causes fear and whether the thoughts we dwell on are really reflective of who we really are. They release a new podcast each week and the length of each podcast is around an hour.
Start-up - This is a podcast that follows the journey of a former This American Life producer (another podcast I love) as he starts a new business. You get to hear him pitch (and totally botch) his business idea to one of the most successful venture capitalists in the world, and he talks about the other challenges of starting a business, from balancing work and life and figuring out the right amount of sustainable growth. It's fascinating to listen to and I appreciate how brutally honest he is about the whole experience.
It seems like podcasts have really gained popularity in the last year. I think it's awesome that a medium that is very similar to radio has become so popular!
Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what is your favorite? If you don't listen to podcasts, I highly recommend that you check them out! They are free, fun, informative and entertaining!
I love podcasts too and have now added a couple of these to my list- but as you know I already had an obsession with Serial :)
Some others I like that you didn't mention are The Art of Simple (she is currently traveling the world with her 3 little kids), Sarah R Bagley Show (I first listened to this when Becky was on one of the episodes!!!), The Lively Show and Elise Joy. I also love The Longest Shortest Time but I think that would really only be interesting to people who have kids, though maybe not! I feel like it's the only parenting podcast I have actually found that makes you smarter/ actually has interesting topics that make you think.
My favorite right now (while I'm on the exercise bike) is the British History podcast. It's like a narrated refresher course on Britain's past!
I'm going to second Kelly's recommendation of the Sarah R Bagley show - she talks about being a recovering perfectionist and living a B+ life. (I was on an episode, as was Kyla!)
I love podcasts - they make my commute so much less stressful!
Ha! If you think you're "behind" on technology, you clearly haven't talked to your sister. Lol. I didn't realize that people listened to podcasts until I came home for Christmas and you asked if I listened to "Serial". lol
I did download the app - but haven't gotten into it yet. But my drive to work is only 10 minutes so not long enough to figure it out or get into one.
My friend Heather told me to download "Things You Didn't Learn In History Class", though. It sounded interesting!
"listening in my car isn't great as I have to use the speaker on my phone since my car is too old for blue tooth technology" You and me both! I thought I was the only one ;) Alas, my car is just slightly too new to have a tape deck so I can't even use that old fashioned technology to route my phone through the speakers. Anyway, I also love the Slate podcasts and Planet Money. You should check them out!
I don't really have a good device for listening to podcasts (I also don't know how to download on itunes but that's another story). But I'm told I can hear some on my computer. Just seems I never sit around on it long enough to do it. But my massage therapist is VERY high on serial. And all those sound good, including the Brit History one Gracie mentioned. Might have to check that one out!
I, too, have never listened to a podcast but they do sound interesting! Are they only available on Apple products? I should look into them, too! I bet there's lots of interesting subjects to follow! Thanks for the post!
I'm so glad you have embraced podcasts so much! Serial is definitely one of the best, and it's kinda in its own separate category since it's more storytelling than informative.
This past weekend, I finally downloaded Invisibilia and Dear Sugar to check out. Basically, my whole life is podcasts. Haha!
Some of my favorite podcasts include Book Riot, Dear Book Nerd, Stuff You Should Know, Nerdist, The Lively Show, Stuff Mom Never Told You, and I really, really love Joy the Baker. I listen to the Sarah Bagley Podcast from time to time, but it's a little too motherhood-focused for me to really relate to it at this point in my life.
I want to pick up Serial! One of these days. I absolutely LOVE the Rich Roll podcast. Some of the people he interviews are incredible. Other good ones are Vinnie Tortorich, Hardcore Zen, and Endurance Planet.
I just updated my phone so now I have the Podcast app! I'm excited to start checking them out. First up will be Serial, for obvious reasons. I need to see what the hype is all about!
Awesome list of podcasts! As you know I also love Book Riot, Dear Sugar and Serial. I also religiously listen to the Jillian Michael's Show and I occasionally listen to some CBC shows like The Current. I've also started to really enjoy listening to audiobooks and I'm currently listening to my third audiobook of 2015!
I'll have to check out a few of those. My regulars are Serial (anticipating the next season), Rich Roll (healthy living, inspirational people), Jess Lively (life coach, interviews various business owners and bloggers, inspiration in general), This American Life, Radio Lab, Running on Om and Jillian Michaels. I just downloaded The One You Feed, which says it's about "creating a life worth living" as it was recommended by blogger/dietitian friend Heather.
I haven't listened to anything since Serial ended. I tried a few others but just couldn't get into them. I may have to check out Book Riot and Dear Sugar! Thanks for sharing :)
It took me a while to get on board too! I loved Serial and lately have been listening to some health and fitness ones- one of my favorites is The Virgin Diet.
I will have to add a couple of these to my list! I've been listening to podcasts for years but you've mentioned a couple of ones that I have not heard of!
Some of my old favorites are Freakanomics, Planet Money, UltraRunner Podcast, Trail Runner Nation, BBC News, The Moth, Stuff You Should Know, PRI's The World, Car Talk and TAL.
Some more recent finds have been the TED radio hour, Serial, and StartUp.
I am also a big fan of audiobooks, and use Overdrive to get books from the library.
Oh! Tell your Mom that I have a Samsung phone and I use Stitcher to listen to podcasts! You can also listen them on your computer; some can be downloaded straight from the internet (all of the NPR ones for example).
I love podcasts! The first one I listed to was Serial so I'm probably a little behind as well. I just downloaded Book Riot - looking forward to checking that one out! I subscribe to lots: NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour, PUMPED Podcast (this is a guilty pleasure one), Grammar Girl, Invisibila, EIS, Reply All, Stuff You Missed in History Class, Radio Lab, TAL, Criminal (if you love Serial, you'll love this one), and Sword & Scale. I'm kind of addicted to podcasts! :)
I also am behind in technology terms. I am interested in some of them but when would i have time to listen to them? I suppose on the treadmill. My treadmill has a bluetooth thingie but let's be real, i didn't use bluetooth until my fitbit required it. and i know i could in my car because it has a bluetooth thingie but i am only alone in my car for 7 minutes in the morning and 7 in the afternoon. soo.. maybe in my next life ha.
This may make me sound like I live under a rock, but I'm not even fully sure what a podcast is ...
Haha I'm with you on being a late adopter! I didn't get an Ipod til my ex gave me his old one and now I don't have one since it finally gave up the ghost. No Ipad, my computer is 5 years old, and I just learned about spotify about four months ago. I know people swear by podcasts but honestly I've come to recognize that I'm incredibly visual. If I hear someone talking but can't see them then I automatically zone out 80% of the time. I've tried listening to NPR so many times but it just can't hold my attention---ghastly! :) Books on tape...same thing. I know I'm missing out on so many awesome learning opportunities but I guess we all win and lose some! :)
Hmmm, a bunch of those podcasts look really familiar! ;) I'm with you, though, on feeling late to jump on the podcast wagon, but am so glad I did. We purchased a bluetooth speaker for our car (for music during a long roadtrip), but it's been a great way for me to listen to podcasts when I commute to the office. You can buy decent ones (though, definitely not top of the line) for $100-$125.
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