Happy Friday! I'm off work today as the boys' school is closed for conferences! Some people have commented to me that it's a little odd for our daycare to have conferences but I really enjoy connecting with the teachers twice a year. Phil does drop-off/pick-up more often than I do and is NOT a question asker, and even when I do drop-off or pick-up, it can be hard to ask questions because I know how busy the teachers are! So while I can always ask questions if I have concerns, I like that we get a 20 minute block, twice/year, to talk about how the kids are doing.
Here's what's going on in my world this week!
The book I'm reading is Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I've heard great things about this book and yet I put off reading it for some reason! I'm about 1/4 of the way through am am really enjoying it. It is VERY sciency but in a good way? I want Phil to read it as it's right up his alley with his interest in science and space.
The high of my week was watching the boys have fun during bath time. They giggle so much and Paul is pretty patient and tolerant of Will for the most part! Will loves to lay down on his back and kick his legs. He is the most aggressive kicker so maybe he will be our swimmer? Paul wouldn't lay on his back with his head in the water until he say Will doing it! I would like to get Will in swimming lessons since he seems to love the water so maybe we will try to do that after the new year.
The low of my week was toddler tantrums. It felt like we were turning the corner and things were improving but then we had 2 rough mornings this week where Paul woke up and went from happy to enraged over who knows in a very short span of time. Not fun.
A recipe I made was Seared Ahi Tuna Steaks with Asian Rice. This is such a simple and fast meal. I'll be sad when grilling season ends as I don't think the tuna steaks would be as good, even if we sear them in a cast iron pan. There's just nothing like food off the grill!
A show we are watching is season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. We checked this out from the library! We are also watching Squid Game which is a very popular show on Netflix that was made in Korea (so there are subtitles).
For workouts I went for runs on Sunday and Wednesday and did beach body Morning Meltdown workouts on the other days. I'm definitely feeling more pulled toward the Morning Meltdown workouts (which are a combo of strength, cardio and yoga) than running these days... I was feeling a bit burned out after training for the 10 mile but we are getting into the off-season for running here in Minnesota so it's a good time to focus on something else.
The best money spent was on a bunch of produce at Aldi on Thursday. My weight hasn't budged lately despite all the running I did this summer/fall so I know my diet is the culprit (I'm looking at the near-daily bowl of ice cream I was eating for much of the summer!). So I stocked up on a bunch of fruits and vegetables this week so I have healthy snacking options around.
My plans this weekend include getting family photos taken on Saturday morning by my cousin's wife. We haven't had photos taken since Paul turned 1, so about 2.5 years ago! Then around lunchtime we are going to our daycare's fall festival celebration. They'll have tacos and ice cream and lots of activity for the kids. Then on Sunday morning I am meeting up with 2 college friends for a walk. I haven't seen them in months so am looking forward to catching up! I think Phil might take Paul out to his mom's after nap on Sunday if everyone is still healthy!
Bonus Will photos (Paul remains team no-picture):
Bath time fun! |
No progress on crawling but he loves to stand along the ottoman! |
What are you reading? What was the high of your week?
I really liked Project Hail Mary! All the science-y stuff went way over my head, but Andy Weir has a way of making it accessible even still.
I think it's really cool that your daycare does conferences - it's probably really helpful, considering how busy drop-off/pick-up can be during a typical week.
I hope the pictures turn out great!
I'm currently working my way through Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum, which I know you read. It's such a hard subject matter, but I'm finding it to be compulsively readable. The high of my week was getting a substantial raise at work - completely unexpected (our raises usually come at the beginning of the year with our annual reviews) and really exciting. It also makes me feel really good about the value they see in me!
Sounds like a much better week than the previous one for you!!
We are watching Squid Game as well - I’m really enjoying it. It kind of reminds me of Quentin Tarantino type film/series!
I wouldn’t say I’m reading anything right now. I still am plugging away at the Wife Between Us.
We had a really nice weekend at the cabin and made the decision to do no major projects up there since we are doing so much at home. It was the 1st time we gave relaxed together in a long time! We don’t have tv or internet up there yet so it is forced family fun haha! It’s been nice
That is kind of funny that your daycare has conferences! Not a bad idea, although I think some parents might feel they'd rather just have regular daycare instead of having to figure out backup care that day? Our school seemed to actually do away with traditional conferences the last couple of years, which I'm not thrilled about. Now you have to reach out to them if you WANT a conference, but it's not default! I don't like it. I wish it was like when I was a kid and you could go around to all the different teachers on conference day, even specials, to get updates.
I'm glad you're still liking MM! A couple of my IG friends recently posted that they thought MM was their favorite BB program, which validated my like for it too! :) I actually just "restarted" it yesterday too! But I am going to stretch it WAY out, similar to what you have been doing. I want to start going to the gym for strength workouts M/W/F and then do MM on T/Th/Saturday/Sunday (at least 3 days). I'll likely have to rotate the days around some too so that I'm not doing MM leg day back to back with my gym leg day, for example. I actually still have ONE week left of MBFA from beachbody but I really wanted to start this gym/ MM combo back up on Monday right after my birthday! So I might just slip the remaining MBFA workouts into the mix little by little, just so I can check them off eventually. haha! upholder problems...
It sounds like a good week. Ah, tantrums. We dealt with a couple during our four days kid sitting. I hope the neighbors didn't call child protective services when the little one was screaming and refusing to get out of the car! They can wear you down. I like the idea of the conferences.
This sounds like a good week and I can understand that you like the opportunity to talk to the kids' teachers.
I am glad you're enjoying the Morning Meltdown Workouts - while we don't have an "off-season" here in CA for running like you do, I do tend to do more at home workouts when the weather's cold and nasty.
I've just finished Caste, which is a MUST READ (if you haven't read it already) and the highlight of my week was celebrating Jon's birthday and having a few days off. I needed them.
We watched the first episode of Squid Game, but I found it a bit scary/hard to watch. We might continue with the rest of it, but now sure yet ...
Oooh, I hope you share some of the family photos in an upcoming post! (I'll find out soon enough as I am enjoying relaxing with all these old blog posts.) It's kind of making me miss blogging ...
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