Hanging with papa! |
Candy land with cousin Anna |
Ice cream outing with cousin Anna! |
It is possible to pout while eating ice cream. |
Getting pushed on the swing by cousin Kolin! |
More ice cream with cousins Evelyn and Charlie! |
Hanging with papa! |
Candy land with cousin Anna |
Ice cream outing with cousin Anna! |
It is possible to pout while eating ice cream. |
Getting pushed on the swing by cousin Kolin! |
More ice cream with cousins Evelyn and Charlie! |
My week-long vacation starts today! Woo hoo! But first - I am presenting on the national sales call this morning. When you get asked to present, you kind of don’t say no since it doesn’t happen all that often. There are over 200 people on the call, maybe even 300 so it’s kind of a big deal. But I will be dancing a little jig when I sign off… although I fear I will end up working a bit this week because my other coworker starts a 2 week vacation on Wednesday and there is a lot of stuff only her and I know how to do… can’t wait for my new hire to start!
Here’s how we filled the weekend!
- On Friday night, we went on a family walk to the creek - which is in a very sad state since we are in a nasty drought again. Womp womp. To be honest, this walk wasn’t great… there was much cajoling required to get someone to scoot back home… but we did see some adolescent ducks on the way home which provided some levity.
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Looking cool in mom’s shades |
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He’s happier than he looks. This is my picture-hating kiddo. |
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Paul enjoyed this ‘treadmill’. |
- Sunday was a full day. I ran 4 miles again on Sunday and then the boys and I went to a park bday party while Phil did swim club. Then that afternoon we went to Phil’s HS best friend’s house. They live on a lake and are the best hosts! Plus their little boy is close in age to Taco. When we got home, I had to fold laundry and pack so we can hit the road shortly after my call ends in the morning.
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Birthday cupcakes at the party! |
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Our friends had this amazing water toy! |
How was your weekend? When you take time off work, can you fully unplug? I almost always check emails so I don’t miss anything super crucial/know what I’m coming back to. And I will definitely need to do that for this vacation since my other coworker is out too. Hopefully I won’t get too sucked into work.
Whew, what a week! I had a great and productive time in the Bay Area but I am worn out! Here is a 5 things Friday post mostly about my time away this week.
1. I did manage to see Kyria on Tuesday evening! We did not take a picture together, though. We met for an early dinner at a yummy Mediterranean place. I briefly FaceTimed with the boys as it was the only night I was done early enough to talk to them before they went to bed. But they mostly wanted to see Kyria! Mom - who’s she? Show me Kyria! They got to know her when she visited us in February and love her!
2. I had extremely full days during this trip. We did 4 meetings on Tuesday, 7 (!!) on Wednesday and 4 more on Thursday before my 4PST/6CST flight back home. I usually don’t do THIS many meetings during a trip but everyone wants to talk about the sector I cover (taxable fixed income). It’s certainly going to help with my meeting count for the year which is already well over 200!
3. Day 2 was the hardest day as we started at 9 and our 7th meeting was a HH that started at 5 and ended at 7. All the conversations were good but I was so tired that I started to yawn and had to try to disguise that. I kind of tried to stay on central time since I have a busy morning with meetings starting at 8 today so I didn’t want to acclimate to PST… so 7PST felt sort of like 9CST. Yawn. I didn’t quite stay on CST - probably slipped into MST.
4. After a string of on-time flights, 3 out of my last 4 flights have been delayed, including my return flight back last night. So instead of landing at 9:30, we landed at 10:15. Le sigh.
5. In non-travel related news, my candidate accepted his offer this week - he will start in early September! I’m really excited about the candidate and hope he will be a great fit. So here’s the funny thing. My colleague/mentor who retired in March is named Paul. (To be clear my son was named after my dad and my husband’s late brother - not my coworker.) Well the person I am hiring is named Will! So I guess I like to work with people who share a name with my children! Hopefully he doesn’t go by Taco, too. ;)
How was your week?
Another weekend is in the books. It started off with dangerous air quality from Canadian wild fires which seems to sadly be the theme of summer. So we laid low on Friday after school. We had our usual ‘closing out the day routine’ of wheel of fortune before bedtime.
Reading a Richard Scary library book about cars! |
The boys got home close to 7 and then it was baths and bedtime for them.
Today I fly out to San Francisco for a work trip. I’m traveling with a sales rep and he has 15 meetings scheduled during the 2.5 days I will be there. I get back late on Thursday night. It’s a longer trip than usual but it’s such a long flight that I need to spend 3 nights to make it worth my while. I’m hoping to see Kyria on Tuesday night - fingers crossed that works!
How was your weekend? If you took yourself out to dinner, where would you go?
It has been months since I did a TGIF post. This week ended up being a little nutty as I found out on Monday morning that I needed to go to St. Louis on Thursday to cover a meeting for my boss. It was such a short trip that I got prompted to check into my return flight before boarding my flight to STL on Wednesday afternoon! In general, it feels like there is a lot going on in my life right now. Here's how the week shaped up.
The book I read this week was The Book of Lost Friends which was set in the post-antebellum South; it was about former slaves trying to reunite with their families. It was heartbreaking to read and was based upon a column that sought to reunite separated families. Now I am reading "The Rachel Incident" which is a new release coming of age story that I've heard great things about! I’m about half through and am liking it!
The high of my week was hmmmm... some weeks don't have highs, right? This one didn't. It was a stressful one as I did a lunch event on Tuesday, but a week before the event the sales person who set up the event resigned! So another guy took it over and we did a planning call with the other 2 presenters at 8 am - on the day of the event! It was fine but I am a planner and don't like things feeling last minute. And then there was this last minute trip to St. Louis. And then some things have been happening at daycare related to turnover and senior leadership that is leading us to think we need to change programs for Will. Gah. And I am in the process of making an offer to a candidate which has been stressful and it’s just a lot. So no highs for the week. I’m kind of ‘in the weeds’ right now. Is that a regional phrase or commonly used?
The low of my week was dealing with insurance to get the copay on my very expensive RA meds ($3,300/syringe!) covered. It took 6 different phone calls and 1.5 hours of my time on Monday. Long story sort of shortened, I ended up talking to the drug-company-associated co-pay assistance team, my insurance, the insurance that coves prescription meds, twice I talked to the specialty pharmacy that fills my prescription and the final call was with a billing department of one of the entities - the specialty pharmacy? The insurance-related co-pay assistance company? The woman was nice but basically said the co-pay assistance wouldn't kick in until I had reached my deductible - which I have. And isn't it odd that this is all happening in the middle of the freaking year? I fill this rx monthly and had no issues for the last several months, although in March I went through a similar process although it did not require so many phone calls and I didn't pay anything out of pocket to get it resolved. You guys, I was LIVID when I got off the phone. Not at the people I talked to, but at the process! I eventually called uncle, forked over my HSA credit card info and just paid the remaining $250 they claimed I needed to pay to meet my $3,200 deductible because I need this prescription to get filled. And then they called again 2 days later, saying I needed to pay my remaining deductible so I gave them my my HSA credit card info - again. And then - THEY CALLED AGAIN the next freaking day saying the same thing as the day before. It was really really hard to stay calm when talking to the person because at this point I had spent over 2 hours trying to get this stupid medication delivered. This person was super nice and said she'd make sure the payment went through so I wouldn't have to go through this again. My doctor has been switching my meds around to try to find a combo that works because the next option is in-clinic infusions which take 4-6 hours and cost $10k. I can't imagine what the insurance process would be like to get that approved so hopefully it doesn't come to that.
The boys enjoyed their donuts, although Taco basically ate the sprinkle/frosting part and left the rest. |
The boys enjoyed the sprinkler for about 5 minutes. I feel like I spent a lot of time running through the sprinkler as a kid. My kids are not nearly as entertained as I was! |
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My new Hoka Mach 5s. I wore Mizunos for 15+ years but switched to Hokas last summer when the new model of Mizunos hurt my feet. I had to wear orthotics in the Mizunos but don’t have to in my Hokas!! |
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At the start of the picnic. I love the quilts we brought to sit on - they were made by a good friend’s mom who has since passed. I always think of her when we use them. |
With his favorite person, Papa. He asked for him when he was up in the middle of the night. |
My cheering section!! |
Feeding the fish with aunt Julie! |
Eating m&m’s with Nana |
Watching fireworks with cousin Evelyn. Yes he’s wearing his iPad headphones. He would push them against his ears to dampen the noise from fireworks. |
So. Many. Wake-ups. Time in bed is high since I went up around 8:30 to read. |
June was a pretty good reading month. I read 8 books and liked many of them - I just didn't like the favorites as much as months past. This is a wordy book post, so settle in... We are at the half-way mark for the year and I've read 46 books. It seems unlikely that I'll read 100+ books as I have the last 2 years but that is totally fine. I don't set a numeric goal for reading because I don't want to read books for the sake of hitting a numeric goal.
My favorites for the month were mostly lighter types of reads. Mika in Real Life is about a woman who gave her daughter up for adoption when she was a teen, but now her daughter has tracked her down. Life hasn't turned out like Mika expected so she tries to reinvent herself to impress her daughter. It was a heart warming kind of read, if a bit predictable. I'd classify this as "romance plus" as there's more to the story than the romance storyline. Georgie All Along was highly recommended by NGS so I was excited to check it out as I've liked the author's other books. Georgie moves back to her hometown after her boss retires from her Hollywood role and she's a bit adrift about what to do. Then she meets the reformed former "bad boy" and brother to her high school crush. I liked that the author mentions that Georgie's mom has Rheumatoid Arthritis and suffers from flares - it's kind of nice to normalize the autoimmune disorder I have (which, in my experience, many are unfamiliar with). Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands is a graphic memoir about a woman's experience working in the Oil Sands in Canada (mostly in Alberta, I think). This was recommended in the BookPage magazine that I pick up each month at the library and it gave me some insight into what it's like to work in the oil industry, especially within a work camp type of set up. I was vaguely familiar with the concept as there are work camps in my home state of North Dakota. I thought she did an excellent job of illustrating what life was like. She moved there for 2 years to make enough money to pay off her college loans so she could pursue her true passion, which is illustrating/drawing. Lastly, I read The Celebrants by Stephen Rowley. I adored his novel, The Guncle - it was one of my favorite books the year I read it. His latest novel isn't as good as The Guncle was, but I still really enjoyed it. It's about a group of college friends that loses a friend shortly before college graduation so they make a pact to have sort of "living funerals" so they can hear all the ways they've impacted each others' lives while they are still alive.
Middle of the road:
These books were more along the lines of "just ok." We Should Not Be Friends is Will Schwalbe's memoir about a friendship he develops in college with a person that couldn't be more different than him. I read this right after I read the RBG friendship memoir so I think it suffered from comparison to that gem of a book. The Half Moon is Mary Beth Keane's latest novel. Her last book, "Ask Again, Yes," was one of my favorite reads the year I read it. This book was good, but not as good as her last novel. I did appreciate the examination of the impact of infertility on a couple, though. That's another topic that has become more normalized in recent years, I think.
Lastly, Invisible Kingdom was a book that I had high hopes for as it's about the author's journey to getting her autoimmune disorder diagnosed/treated. I have a bit more to say about this book so it deserves its own paragraph. As someone who has dealt with having RA for almost 10 years, I was excited to check this one out, but her story was so different from mine since her diagnosis was not at all clear cut, nor was her treatment path, so it didn't resonate like I thought it might. I was also a bit put off by her comments about the use of antibiotics causing/leading to her having an autoimmune disorder. I was a pretty sickly child and was on a lot of antibiotics. For example, in 6th grade I was so ill with a sinus infection that I was hospitalized as I really needed stronger IV meds to fight the infection. I don't view my antibiotic usage as optional. Nor do I think there is evidence that antibiotic use leads to autoimmune disorders. Could be it be a factor? Sure. Are antibiotics overprescribed? Probably. Also my kids have been on antibiotics quite a bit for non-stop infections - have I made them susceptible to an autoimmune disease because I followed their doctor's recommendation to prescribe antibiotics? I hope not, but we are always making the best decisions with the information that is available to us. Clearly, autoimmune diseases are a sensitive topic for me and I'd prefer to avoid of a line of thinking that even suggests the ill person might have brought their disease upon themselves. I did appreciate this quote from one of the people she interviewed, though: "With other diseases it's this kind of external thing you're fighting against. If you have cancer, you can fight your cancer. But if you have an autoimmune disease, what are you fighting against? Do you fight against your own immune system? Are 'you' your immune system? Are you the organ under attack? Who are you?" And overall, I appreciated that the author brought more attention to autoimmune disorders.
The book I didn't like:
Well for the second month in a row, my least favorite book was "Girlhood" by Melissa Febos. It was an examination of what it means to be a girl and how we are treated as a gender. It seemed like it would be great, but the execution didn't work for me as I got bogged down by her research or inclusion of things like Greek Mythology (something I have zero interest in, to be quite honest). If would have DNF'd this if we weren't reading it for book club (I try to finish every book club). Interesting, it has a 4.26 rating on goodreads and the other person I know who read it gave it 5 stars. It was not loved by most in my book club either. It read more academic than we were expecting.
Abandoned Books:
I abandoned The Sun Walks Down by Fiona McFarlane around the 30% mark. It's historical fiction set in the late 1800s. I had heard about it on a "From the Front Porch" podcast episode last summer but did not realize it was set that far back - that's an era I don't feel especially drawn to so I'm not too surprised it wasn't a fit.
What Paul read:
Paul has been asking a lot of questions about Kindergarten so we have checked out A LOT of Kindergarten books! I think we've checked out about 20 picture books about kindergarten. We've probably reached our limit on this genre but I figure the best way to help with his concern/anxiety about this change is to read about it! Other than that, the only book read on repeat in June was "The Summer Nick Taught His Cats to Read" which was a sweet story.