Happy Friday! I wrapped up my 3rd straight week of travel and won’t travel again until mid-September! Cue the jazz hands!! Here is how my week shaped up.
A book I am reading this week is ‘Same as it ever was’ by Claire Lombardo. I loved her debut novel and am enjoying this one but wow it is long at well over 500 pages. It is firmly character-driven so if that is not your jam, skip this one.
The high of my week was going for a short hike in Colorado as part of the offsite I attended. I use the word ‘hike’ loosely. It was more of a walk but it was wonderful to get some fresh air and move my body while connecting with colleagues.
Rocky Mountain views! |
The low of my week was my flare. It just won’t quit and I am so tired of it. I wasn’t able to move my radiology injection appointment up but it’s next Thursday which is soonish. I also get another infusion next week so hopefully I feel better soon. I am so tired of being in pain and being on steroids.
A show we are watching is still season 2 of Welcome to Wrexham. It’s taking us a long time to get through the series since we only watch one/night.
For workouts I did a 40 minute hike on Tuesday and did a lower body strength training workout in my hotel room on Thursday. I will run 3 miles today and then on Sunday I will do another 7.5 mile run.
The best money spent was on my weekly Starbucks latte yesterday. It was a low spend week for me so that is all that stands out.
My plans this weekend include watching the opening ceremony tonight!! I am so excited for the Olympics! We don’t have any other plans for the weekend. Phil might take one or both boys to his mom’s on Saturday which would mean I would get the house to myself! It looks like it will be a warm weekend so we’ll probably go to a pool on Sunday.
Bonus photo:
Another night, another popsicle. He loves them so much! |
How was your week? Are you excited for the Olympics? I love watching gymnastics, swimming, diving and track and field!
I want a low spend week, but with a million kids, I think maybe I don't get one? I listened to the Lombardo book and I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
I am so, so glad you have a break from travel for a while. What an intense period of work, plus the pressures of two young kids and then this STUPID FLARE. Ugh. I am so sorry you're still dealing with this, but hope you get some real relief after the upcoming treatments <3
Well, I didn't go to grocery store at all this week, which is something. (But I did buy a bunch of clothes from Loft.) You win some, you lose some I guess.
YAY for a break from travel!!!! I am hoping you are able to finally get this flare under control. It sounds so wearying, Lisa.
Fingers crossed that you get a night to yourself this weekend! That sounds fun!
Lisa I've been loving your blog, but have never commented- just wanted to share I'm sorry about your flare and sending you healing wishes!
Yes, I am so excited for the Olympics!!! I love watching all the things you mentioned. My sister things swimming is the most boring thing to watch, but I love it! There might be some swimming on during the day tomorrow- you could watch it if Phil takes the boys.
Jeez I hope this flare calms down SOON. It's been going on forever! Well, no one has a flare forever. It sounds like you have a lot of good treatments coming up- eventually something has to work.
I hope you have a good run on Sunday!
it's so great that you did hiking with such a beautiful place! And yay for no more work trips until september.
hope the flare goes away soon!
ordering starbucks feels luxurious to me mainly because their coffee is mediocre and expensive, but i do like the vibe.
A hike in Colorado sounds dreamy! I am super excited for the Olympics and will watch as much as I can. I vote that you relax your strict evening routines for a couple weeks and lean in! ;) Only happens every few years!
Sorry you're still having that dang flare! UGH...... I hope that a big travel break, plus some upcoming relaxing time at your parent's/ kid free time(!) will maybe help settle things down?
Hooray for a nice long break from work trips! But boo about your ongoing flare, so frustrating. We are super excited for the olympics too- we watched the opening ceremony live at 5.30 am yesterday (I’m an early riser) and the kids were up by 6 and enjoyed it. It will be fun to have something to watch as a family every night for two weeks. That hike looked beautiful!
No work travel until SEPTEMBER? Woohoo - enjoy that break, my friend!
I cannot wait for your appointment! You have been dealing with the flare for way too long.
I am so excited for the Olympics! I tend to only watch the primetime programming so I have to try to stay off social media throughout the day so I don't get spoiled!
We don't have cable anymore, so are watching the Olympics via the Peacock app, and I am LOVING it. So much better than watching a sport I don't care about and wishing that I could see what I want. Currently reading blogs and watching Equestrian cross country, which is confusing because they show part of one horse's run, then part of another's, but I couldn't care less. I just want to see the pretty horses!
I hope your next treatments really get this flare tamped down, it's been far too long. Enjoy your 'me time' and being home for awhile.
Yay for no more travel till September! You deserve a break. I love watching gymnastics and just marveling at how flexible people are and what great balance they have. We did a Lemon Hike today - so beautiful but, of course, there was some wining. BUT- they sell lemonade along the way so that was a big help. The coast has so many stairs!
How awesome you got to go for a hike in Colorado, but I understand that you're very happy to take a break from travel.
I am sorry your flare is still giving you trouble. Sigh. So frustrating.
Oh, Lisa. This darn flare. I hope that by now you have received your injection AND your infusion. Inflammation stinks. There is no other way to put it (without using profanity, ha...).
But yay for the hike/walk in CO! That's such a soul-feeding activity for me. I'm glad you got time outside!
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