Friday, August 2, 2024


For some reason this felt like a long week and I was often confused about what day of the week it was, maybe because my Tuesday and Thursday were thrown off by medical appointments? Maybe because I wasn't traveling for the first time in 4 weeks? Whatever the reason, I'm glad it's Friday! And we will have a fun guest arriving today! Here's how the week shaped up!

A book I am reading this week is ‘God of the Woods’ by Liz Moore. It is SO good and worth all of the hype I've heard about it. Moore writes literary mysteries but they aren't overly literary in my opinion. This book is set at an estate in the Adirondack that is adjacent to a summer camp. 2 children from the same family go missing 14 years apart (which is something I cannot wrap my mind around experiencing!). 

The high of my week was going to book club on Wednesday night. I used to never miss book club but now that I travel twice/month I have missed book club a number of times - and will barely be around for meetings this fall. We discussed the memoir "Wavewalker" which is about the author's childhood spent sailing around the world with pretty neglectful parents. After dinner we walked across the street and got ice cream which felt like the perfect end to the night for a summer book club!

The low of my week was Thursday morning. Phil did drop off for both kids but I buckled Taco into his car seat before they headed out (and set my keys down next to his seat while doing so). I then went for a run, got ready for the day and was going to drive to a Starbucks close to my injection appointment but I could not find my car keys! Luckily I have a tile tag on my car keys since I have a lot of absent-minded professor energy. I assumed they'd ring in my purse and I could narrow down where they were - but the app showed me that my keys were in a parking lot in downtown Minneapolis - apparently I did not remember to grab them after setting them down to buckle in Taco so they were in our car that was parked downtown! Doh. I was so annoyed with myself. So instead I ubered to the clinic where I knew there was a coffee shop and I worked from that area until my injection appointment. All in all it worked out fine, I was just so annoyed with myself. Why am I so scatterbrained! But thank goodness for Uber!

For workouts I only managed to run on Thursday morning was I was in the office M/W and I didn't have time to spare on Tuesday as I was off the desk for 3+ hours for my infusion. I will do my long run on Saturday or Sunday. 

A show we watched was no shows because we are all about the Olympics in this house!! We do not have cable or a peacock subscription so we just watched the coverage on NBC (that we have access to through an antennae). In particular I've enjoyed watching gymnastics and swimming!! I got chills and teared up watching the conclusion of the women's all-around gymnastics finals!

The best money spent was on those ubers that allowed me to get to/from my doctor appointment. There was no chance I was going to miss this crucial injection appointment (it's too early to say if it was successful as it takes 24+ hours to work typically)!! I just hate spending money completely unnecessarily. But such is life. 

My plans this weekend include soaking up time with Kyria! She arrives at our house this afternoon so we will be showing her the sights this weekend. She last visited us in February of 2023 which is really NOT the prime time to visit Minnesota so I am excited to spend time with her when we can be outdoors a lot and not freezing. I'm not sure what all we will do besides visiting one of our local lakes. She's the easiest house guest to have and is adored by all 4 of us. I mean Phil texted her to see what kind of ice cream he should have on hand for her and she'll enter our house via a key left in a lock box since we'll both be in the office when she arrives - so that kind of tells you what kind of friendship we have with her. She's kind of like family at this point!

Bonus photo:

The boys still happily play with magnatiles! They made some really cool creations on Monday night. Paul said his was a Poke-Donalds (he's very into Pokemon these days). 

How was your week? Are you a scatterbrained type of person? Phil is the opposite of me - he never misplaces things and would have no need for a tile tag on his keys.


Coco said...

I would have been mad with myself for leaving the key in the car, but this kind of things happen, more often than not because our mind is so busy with too many things at the same time. the more rushed we are, the more accidents happen, but you got it all covered with Uber.
So excited for you to have Kyria at your house, she seems like a really wonderful person to befriend with. I hope she plans to come to Asia during this trip.

Sarah said...

UGH THE KEYS— that is definitely something that would happen at our house. You might want to switch to an Air Tag if you have apple evinces because then Phil would get an alert that your tag was with him and might be able to turn around. You’d also get an alert when you were not with your tag.

Birchwood Pie said...

A long time ago I went through a phase where I locked my keys in my car...twice. Luckily it was back in a simpler time and a coworker was able to get into my car with a coat hanger. I really need to get an airtag.

I'm happy to hear that God of the Woods is a winner! It's been on my radar and I can't wait to read it.

I see you with your antenna! We're not watching the Olympics, but if we were, that's how we'd be watching.

Have a great weekend with Kyria!

Elisabeth said...

So many happy things here, Lisa. I'm delighted you're going to spend some quality time with Kyria. How wonderful you all get along so well and she's part of the family. We have friends like that and it's such a special relationship (plus, there tends to be less "baggage" than you have with actual family, so it can be an even more relaxed relationship in a way...if that makes sense?).
We have Airtags on everything. John even has a special wallet with a holder for an Airtag. I don't tend to misplace my keys because they only go in ONE PLACE, but I also don't trust myself not to have a tracker. Plus, fobs are expensive. We recently bought a used car - it was a great deal from an auction site...but it only came with one fob/key which did not seem safe. So we ordered another key set and it was $680. So I want to make sure I don't lose that key!!!

ccr in MA said...

Wasn't this a weird week? It was for me, too. On Monday and Tuesday, it seemed like it should be the end of the week already, and by Wednesday/Thursday I heard that Kamala would be announcing her VP pick on Monday or Tuesday and thought that meant it was sooner because isn't it already almost M/T? I have just been all up in the air.

Hooray for a week with no travel and getting to see Kyria!

Sarah said...

I quite enjoyed Wavewalker, but I was horrified by how the author was treated by her parents!

NGS said...

I put God of the Woods on hold as soon as I read this. I am #207 in the list, so I'll finally get around to it next January. LOL.

We got Peacock just for the month and it's worth every penny of the $15 or whatever it was because we can watch every Olympic sport on demand. It's AMAZING. I wish I had more time to watch, but I squeeze in every minute I can!

I hope you and Kyria have so much fun together!

San said...

Hooray, after seeing that Kyria is in the midwest and had some other cool blogger meetups already, I knew you two would probably get to see each other too. Have the best time.

I am so sorry about the car key situation. Ugh. Sometimes we're doing so many things that this can happen. At least you had a way of knowing where they keys are with the tag on them and didn't have to freak out about having lost them elsewhere. Yay for Uber.

Coree said...

This is very me, total absent minded professor energy. Luckily I’m an academic so I can get away with it. I had a lovely officemate who regularly texted me “you forgot your keys, I hid them in the cutlery drawer”. Now I make myself wear them on a lanyard of shame to avoid cycling to the bus stop, realising I don’t have the key for my lock, and having to cycle home, missing my bus. When I was commuting back and forth between home and Belfast, I’d spend half the flight panicking that my keys were in the wrong place.

I’m always losing my keys, misplacing my phone, buying socks or a charger because I’ve forgotten them. Luckily most hotels have chargers to borrow but they don’t have socks. I think I need more checklists. Like I always want to be wearing jewelry on work trips but never remember to put earrings in.

We do home exchange so we put a lockbox on the porch and this has saved me more times than I can count.

Jenny said...

Have fun with Kyria! She's doing a lot of blogger meetups these days.
That's such an awful feeling- when you can't find your keys. At least you were able to figure out where they were quickly, and yes, thank God for Ubers.
I'm putting the Liz Moore on my TBR!

Stephany said...

Ugh, the key situation. As you know, I can relate!! I really need to get some sort of Airtag for my keys because I could have saved myself $400 if I had seen on my phone that my keys WERE nearby when I thought I lost them traveling. Now that you mention this story, I'm going to do just that now!

Yay for a fun weekend visitor. Kyria is who I am with my friend Bri and her husband Sean. Bri says she often feels like a third wheel when the three of us get together because me and Sean are two peas in a pod! ha!

Ernie said...

Oh the key thing- that's rough. I don't have an uber app on my phone (I know I could get one, I've done it in the past, but Coach usually handles that and I would've been scrambling). How great to have a tight-blogger friend come to town. Sounds like a fun weekend for everyone. That book sounds really good. I'm guessing it isn't based on true events. I'm so behind on everything. Need to get caught up and I'm anxious to read your post about the NYT book rankings.

Anne said...

Lisa, I love that you, too, are an absent-minded professor type. It takes one to know one. ;) Also? Did I miss how you got back in the house post-infusion? Do you have a hidden key? I worry about this because, well, it's me in my apartment. No one else has a key - no one I know well enough locally to HAVE one. So...yeah. I guess I'd call the emergency management number, but I should probably figure that out. Thanks for prompting me to do that! and SO GLAD you had a Kyria weekend! YAY!