Friday, October 11, 2024

TGIF + so many appointments

Whew the word of the week in our house has been appointments! The boys had dentist appointments on Monday, I had a flu shot appointment on Tuesday morning (which was obv brief) and also had a twice-rescheduled haircut Tuesday afternoon, and then Paul had another doctor appointment Thursday morning. I never realized how much time I would spend making and attending appointments  - both for myself and my children. And yes, Phil can take the boys to appointments and has in the past but I prefer to handle them since I tend to have the questions/be the worrier. Of course now that I am traveling quite a bit, there are fewer days of the month to fit appointments in so of course they tend to get clumped together.

So TLDR; it's been a week. Here’s what else we did!

A book I am reading this week is ‘Shark Heart’ which is my selection for our October book club (which is being held the first week of November because - you guessed it - I’m traveling the last week of October when we typically meet). It follows Newlyweds who discover that the husband is turning into a great white shark… which is clearly bananas - but it works! 

The high of my week was going for a nice walk through the neighborhood with Taco to look at decorations. I made up a scavenger hunt (for a spider, witch, pumpkin, ghost, and skeleton). Paul had soccer that night so it was a nice 1:1 evening which is my favorite. 

We found a Mickey in a coffin which he was confused by. 

This was his favorite house!

The low of my week was dealing with a LUNATIC driver on my way to Paul’s appt on Thursday morning. Traffic on the freeway was especially heavy as there was an accident - and yet this woman was riding my *ss to the extent that she set off the beeping ‘you are too close to something’ sensor that I typically only hear when I get too close to something when backing up. It was so stressful and resulted in me swearing and making gestures to the lunatic behind me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!! Now I just have to hope that Paul does not repeat the words that came out of my mouth that morning… 

For workouts I have done nothing. Usually I fit weekday workouts in on my WFH days after Phil leaves with the boys for school. But all these appointments mean I lost that time slot this week. Womp womp. I'll get back on track next week, though. I do plan to run 5-6 miles this weekend. 

A show we watched was several episodes of The Receiver on Netflix which is a sport doc about wide receivers/tight ends in the NFL. Sports docs are one of the few types of shows that Phil and I both enjoy. Even though I am the least sporty person, I love watching/following sports!

The best money spent was on my haircut and color! I took a good 3-4"+ off because my hair was feeling overly long. I might have gotten a bit too aggressive but I was putting my hair up in a ponytail so much so that's a sign that it's time to lose some length. Here's a very dorky picture of me the day after the cut. Taco's daycare asked for pictures of parents at work to display in their classrooms so my colleague snapped this photo of me! You can see my cube is not at all personalized... but I do have pictures of the boys that are out of the view of this shot. I have their pictures displayed so they show up on zoom calls to give people a sense of the fact that I'm a finance nerd - and a mom of small kids!

As a point of contrast, this was my hair one month ago - this is a picture I took for a 'what I wear when I travel' post that I have yet to write... 

My plans this weekend include laying low tonight, as usual. Tomorrow I plan to run then take the boys to the library while Phil grocery shops. In the afternoon, Phil will take Taco to his mom's house. Paul and I are going to a pumpkin carving event at the zoo so we figured it was best for Taco to be out of the house so it's not so apparent to him that he's not included... I will take him next year, though. I did not see it going well if I brought him this year as I prefer to do this event without a stroller since it's such a busy event with lots of people along the trail and I envisioned him potentially running off at some point. All that said, I'm excited to go with Paul! It will be our 3rd year in a row of going! We have no plans on Sunday besides church/Sunday school and swimming lessons (which is plenty for the day anyways!). 

How was your week? Have you encountered lunatic drivers recently? Do you feel like the number of lunatics on the road has increased substantially since the pandemic?? 


Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Whoa, the fact that your sensor went off meant that she was pretty dang close! I just googled it and the distance maybe is about 60 cm, which is only 2 feet!! That is insane. My Dad used to tell me that you should have a car's distance per 10 mph, so even if you are in stop and go, that should be maybe one car length, which is more like 14 feet!

I once had a guy come right up behind me at a stop light, really, really close. Then when the light turned green, he swerved around and got in front of me, then no matter which way I tried to go around him, he blocked me!! I am not sure what I did to piss him off, but I finally had to fake him out at a light and pretend to go straight and then make a left at the last minute, and when I did (he was ahead of me) he pulled over to wait for me!! I called the police but there really isn't much they could do, as he had moved on by then. The funny(?) part was that he was in a Prius!!

Nicole said...

FOXY!!! I love your hair! I love it both ways but wow, what a great cut it is. Also I love seeing your cube. It makes me nostalgic in a good way.
Holy shit, what the hell, aggressive driver. I would have been terrified, honestly. People need to calm the fuck down (sorry, I should bleep out my swears but...this calls for it, honestly). I can only think that woman had some kind of terrible day to behave in that manner. The beeping sensor! Good grief.
I am trying to think of a time my husband took the kids for an appointment of any sort and I'm coming up blank. Then again, I didn't work, he did, so it fell to me naturally.

Elisabeth said...

I also love your hair and it was so fun to see your "cube."
Love the decorations walk with Taco. Looks like a beautiful day.
I can't wait to read about how you dress while travelling. Those sorts of posts are SO interesting to me. You always look so put together and professional <3
I have started having my husband do a few dentist appointments with kids because we had a traumatic kid appointment years ago and I have major anxiety about going (less now, I think, that they're older, but I don't tell him that). I do just about everything else though. It makes sense since he's gone a lot and doesn't know his travel schedule far enough in advance to work around appointments.

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

The pumpkin carving event sounds like such a fun tradition for you and Paul! And next year, Taco too! Of course Taco would be weirded out by seeing Mickey in a coffin. It's definitely odd.

Your cube photo is not at all dorky -- you are so adorable! And I LOVE your haircut! Your hair is gorgeous long and gorgeous shorter. I think very few people can rock different lengths like that.

That aggressive driver situation sounds so unsettling. I hate it when people are driving erratically, but it's so much worse when my kid is in the car! I had a very unsettling experience last weekend where a stranger hopped into a photo with my daughter and then yelled the F word very loudly. Totally freaked me out. I'm glad you weren't in an accident because of the driver. Yikes.

NGS said...

Okay, but I feel like you buried the lede. How was the flu shot. I think I'm going to get my flu/COVID shot done on a Friday when I don't have a big weekend plan because they knock me on my butt.

sarah (SHU) said...

GAH, I hate driving. I LOVE your hair!!

Birchwood Pie said...

I want to read the "what I wear when I travel" post!

I know so well the feeling of letting things go too long between haircuts...oh wait, that's where I am right now. TBD if I'll just have them take an inch or so off or go for the chop. I guess it depends on how much longer I procrastinate about getting a cut.

Coco said...

really like your new hair cut, i definitely need one too, feeling it too long.
sorry about the lunatics, my husband will probably hit him with the car.

Ernie said...

Your haircut is super cute. You really did have a lot cut off, but it looks great. I would love to have long hair, but my hair is so thin it just drags and looks icky if it gets too long. I just made a photo book for the twins I used to sit for and every single person who opens the book (I made a copy for me) comments on one of the photos from forever ago when my hair was LONG. None of us remember that. I picked Mini up at the airport last week and a guy changed lanes - pulling in front of me even though there was zero space for him to do that. I had to jam on my breaks and swerve a bit. Mini was like WHOA - DID YOU SEE THAT? On that same drive, two cars came out of a side street drag racing. They took over both lanes as they jockeyed/u-turned for position to shoot down the side street again. What on earth? Where are cops when you need them? (*says the woman who once had so many speeding tickets that she lost her license)

Stephany said...

Your haircut is so cute! I love the photo of you in your cubicle. So stylish!

Crazy drivers are the worst, and I can get bad road rage so I really don't need to be dealing with that. That sounds like a really scary situation to be in, so I'm glad it was all okay in the end! But damn.