Friday, August 16, 2024

TGIF + Vacation-bound!

Hey hey! Today is my last day of work for a week and I am THRILLED. We head to my parents' lake home on Monday morning for our annual week at the lake... after I am on the Monday morning sales call - for the 2nd year in a row, I need to present the week of our annual lake trip! But so it goes. Besides a few shouldless days here and there, I haven't had a solid break from work since our April spring break trip to Destin so I am really overdue for some time away! I'll be taking a break from blogging/commenting next week so I can soak up time at my happy place. Here's how the week shaped up!

A book I am reading this week is ‘The Wedding People' by Alison Espach which is SO GOOD. I loved her last novel, too (Notes on Your Sudden Appearance). The topic is very heavy: a woman travels to a beautiful hotel in Newport, RI with the intent to kill herself and finds that every guest except herself is there for a wedding. And yet the book somehow the books doesn't have a "heavy book" vibe to it. 

The high of my week was *crickets* No highs come to mind. This was a bit of a ho hum week for me. It wasn't bad but it was just a little meh overall?

The low of my week was a tough parenting night on Wednesday night. Usually the boys can kind of "read the room" and not both melt down at the same time but that was not the case that night. I don't know what set this behavior off but it's probably a fools errand to try to apply logic to tantrums/emotional outbursts.

For workouts I ran 3 miles on Tuesday morning, I'll run 3 this morning, and then tomorrow I'll do another 8 mile training run. My workouts are very running-heavy these days. That will shift when this 10 mile race is behind me. Ideally I'd like to run twice/week and strength train twice/week.

A show we watched was the final episodes of season 2/first episode of season 3 of Welcome to Wrexham. I really really really miss the Olympics but at least we have the winter games to look forward to in 1.5 years (although I do not like the winter games nearly as much as the summer games...). 

The best money spent was on new glasses for Paul. It's not the most fun money to spend but it was essential. His vision prescription doubled from -1.25 to -2.50 since he last exam! It seems like he's on the path to have my vision (my rx is -4.25). Good thing he looks so cute in glasses!

We went with these frames, but in navy blue. I'm pretty sure he's wearing a shirt that we got as a hand-me-down from Kae!

My plans this weekend include laying low tonight, as usual. Tomorrow we will probably hit up a pool since it's supposed to be warm. Sunday is Phil's birthday! My gift to him was arranging some rounds of golf which I must say was HARD. I can see why he rarely golfs. Getting people pinned down for a round of golf was not easy. But I managed to plan 2 rounds of golf for him. I also plan to take Paul to get school supplies at Target. We did this last year and he wasn't as excited about buying school supplies as I was but it's a tradition I want to stick with as I have such great memories of school shopping with my mom. 

How was your week?


Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I love Paul's new glasses! Woof, -2.5! That is about as high as I went in my left eye, but it has come back up to -2.0 as I've gotten older. I'm so glad you've figured this out early for Paul. It does make me wonder though if my vision was bad from the get go. I did not get glasses until perhaps 9th grade, but likely needed them before that! My little cousin was doing really poorly in class and it turned out that he just couldn't concentrate because he couldn't see!

Have fun at the lake! I wish I could join you, but Eastward -ho! It will be nice to unwind and also to have a third and fourth set of hands to help with the boys. I just put that book you're reading on hold, and actually am just about to start Wandering Souls, which I think is a recommendation from you. I'll let you know what I think!

Nicole said...

Happy birthday Phil!
Woof, that's quite the change in prescription. I think my rx was -5.5 or something before I had surgery. Glasses are so cute now!
Have a great vacation! I hope you can get some rest and come back all restored. Of course, travel with kids isn't really "vacation" but hopefully you can catch a bit of a break at the lake.

Jenny said...

Ooh, enjoy your week off!!! I agree with Nicole that traveling with kids is not always a "vacation" but hopefully you'll get some time to relax, since you'll have family there to help.
I've heard of that book and it sounds good. And I think you were one of the people who recommended God of the Woods? I put it on hold at the library.
I'm also so bummed that the Olympics are over. I also don't like the winter games as much (no running! no swimming!) but i'll watch them, happily.
Happy Birthday to Phil!

Sarah said...

Enjoy your week— I hope it’s fab! Love the new glasses— he’s so darn cute.

Anonymous said...

I love the glasses! My son had a blue pair for a long time. He started at 2.5 and has gone thru 3 pairs and every time they look huge and then suddenly one day they are too small! We’ve found the type without nosepieces are most durable, but they were always sliding down, especially when he was sweaty. I found these “hooks” online that solved the problem and now I want to give a pair to every kid with glasses sliding down! Google “glasses ear hooks”. Also, his old glasses become his “beach glasses” so he can see to swim and play!

Enjoy your vacation and time off! Hope you get some downtime and good weather!

Birchwood Pie said...

Yay for vacay!

This will sound inappropriate, but I think I would really enjoy the "suicide lite" book. I still have a ways to go before I finish 11/22/63, but soon enough I will be looking for my next book. BTW I finally signed up for Sarah's Bookshelves Patreon, and I'm loving it. Their recap of the 100 NYT books was really good - I don't have to feel bad about only reading 3 when Sarah only read 14 lol.

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you get a break. I hope the weather is wonderful for your time at the lake. Hang in -- it's almost there!

Grateful Kae said...

Haha, before I even got to the caption I was like, hey that's Asher's old shirt!!! :) So cute on Paul too!!

Have a wonderful break at the lake!! Enjoy your low key evening tonight and the back to school shopping. We always did a Target date + breakfast out when the boys were little, but as they got towards middle school, we started using the School Toolbox subscription thing the school offered. I feel like it was probably a bad "deal" but at least a portion of the sales went back to the school like a fundraiser. Now, there is not really a list anymore and they just go to school and will have to pick up a few things as the teachers tell them to. But for the most part, seems like their laptops are the biggest school supply now...

sarah (SHU) said...

my eyes are -11 in contacts, higher in glasses! (And yes, somehow I correct to normal vision!). C is something like -2 and only JUST started to wear his glasses regularly. He admits he now realizes he really couldn't see much for a while . . . G wears them for school and movies and is something like -0.75 or something. A somehow can see. (Josh has glasses but not until he was way older!)

Ernie said...

Hooray for vacation. I hope you have a wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing about it. You are wise to not try to make sense of the meltdown situation. Those are never easy. Bummer that Paul's RX has double. Holy cow. You're right though, he looks so cute in glasses and by the look of it he is excited. We might be switching the girls to a very small, private school so that's been sort of distracting. My brain is tired of trying to sort out what to do. The cost would mostly come out of our pocket. Ouch. We just really weren't happy with many issues that we dealt with at our public school, unfortunately.

Coco said...

Great that you get a week off in the lake, where you go often, must be nice to go back to a familiar place to relax. I'll check the wedding people, sounds interesting! It's great that you have a race upcoming, that's what I like to keep running toward a specific goal!
oh you are so great to arrange golf rounds for Paul. I know it's not easy to find a partner and some places require at least two players. He must be excited for his "gift"!
Enjoy your break!

San said...

I am so excited for your week at the lake! Have the best time (and enjoy your long run tomorrow - I'll also be heading out for 8 miles tomorrow morning!).

Paul really looks cute with glasses. Does he mind having to wear them?

Mom of Children said...

Hi friend! Happy birthday eve to Phil!
You deserve this break so much so I hope it's a relaxing one!
Like Paul, I am getting new glasses today, mine are FIVE yers old. prescription wise i think they are okay but they just don't fit my face anymore, I think my fave grew lol Ugh, I can be on top of things and them with some things I can be SO hands off.
I will also be calling the vet hospital to schedule something really sad: our kitty is peeing/pooping everywhere and is not eating. It's time to say goodbye so I'm wrestling with that. I want to give her a chance to leave with dignity.

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

I am so excited for you that you get a week off!!!! And so annoyed on your behalf that you still have to call in.

The Wedding People was not on my radar at all, but it sounds super intriguing, despite the dark subject matter.

Your gift for Phil sounds so nice! Happy birthday to him!

Hope you have a wonderful vacation, Lisa!

NGS said...

I also like Summer Olympics more than Winter, but at least we have crazy aerial skiing to look forward to. And ice skating! And speed skating! You know what? Maybe I like them both.

I hope you have a lovely vacation and that it is rejuvenating for you. Sometimes I'm just more exhausted after traveling, so I'm hoping this is NOT like that and you can rest and relax and come back ready to tackle the world.

J said...

I've never had access to a lake house, and I guess this is a THING with Midwestern folks and I am envious. The Pacific ocean is spectacular and majestic, but up here you can't really swim in it and it's rough with undertows and cold. I hope you have a wonderful time! I hope the kids have a great time, and that everyone gets all of the sleep and fun and joy that you can.

Diane C. said...

I sampled the first chapter of Wedding people on Libby and it seemed so good. The holds list is very long for it, but I guess that's okay - plenty of books to read in the world so there's no rush for any one.
I LOVE school supply shopping, but my kids don't have the patience for it. I took them last week and they behaved atrociously in the store and kept asking when I was done, when all I really wanted to do was look at pens and Post Its. Oh well, maybe I should just go on my own if they don't really care that much.
Hope you find moments of calm and rejuvenation at the lake!

Stephany said...

I hope the sales call went well and you are FINALLY on vacation! At least it didn't have to interrupt the middle of your trip and you could get it done before you were on vacation-mode. Enjoy your time away from work and responsibilities (other than parenting, ha).

I just went school shopping with Mikaela, as Olive needed some items for Pre-K! I remember LOVING school shopping with my mom, but I don't know how my brother felt about it. I hope Paul had a better experience this year!

Anne said...

Can't wait to read up on your vacation AND your kid-free time. I hope both were restorative and amazing. <3
Also, Paul is the cutest. I lament that I grew up wearing glasses in the late 80s and 90s and...yeah. Not cute. (The hair didn't help, either, sigh.)