I think I was not looking forward to it for one reason: when I cleaned my fridge last year (Gasp! Yes, it's an annual event in my house), one of the shelves shattered when I was washing it in the sink. Tempered glass as advertised? I don't think so. The glass went EVERYWHERE. I found pieces in my toaster, so seriously, it was like the glass exploded. So weird.
I decided to tackle it yesterday and truth be told, I actually enjoyed cleaning my fridge. I got these 'love of cleaning' genes from my mom. Her house is immaculate!
Ok, my favorite part of cleaning out the fridge is the random stuff you find that is past its expiration date. Like the bottle of Bailey's that I found at the back of my fridge. I remember looking at it last year when I cleaned my fridge, but I couldn't find the expiration date so I kept it. This time around, I found the expiration date... Um, it expired in 2006. Yikes! Granted, the bottle was never opened, so it might still be fine, but I'm not going to risk that! I figured out that it was a house warming gift from a party I had at my first apartment back in November of 2003!!!
Um yah, people - alcohol is not a good house warming gift for me. I'm just saying. I don't drink very much in the first place, and I certainly NEVER drink alone. So, since I live alone - any alcohol in my house might stay around for, oh, 6 years...
The results of my fridge cleaning aren't dramatic from these pics, but to me, they were.
Can I just say how empty the fridge of a single person is compared to a married couple or people with children? And I had just gone grocery shopping the day before I cleaned my fridge so this is about as full as it gets... But I can that I rarely throw out food.
What is your favorite and least favorite chore to do around the house? I thought my least was cleaning the fridge, but I kind of had fun yesterday so I think my least fave chore is cleaning the bathtub. My favorite chore is ironing!
the scariest fridge expiration ever.... kelley cleaned out her dads fridge and found Texas Pete that expired in 1968. The fridge cleaning happened in 2002. I'd say he didn't use very much pete.
I think cleaning out the fridge is def. my least favorite chore - just seeing this post made me cringe because it reminded me we need to do this.
Favorite chore - probably de-cluttering. I can live with clutter for awhile but once I get tired of it I organize like there's no tomorrow. I think that's something you can continually see results on as well (as opposed to dusting or vacumming which has to be done on a more regular basis).
Omg! I never know your glass shelf exploded!! How traumatic!!!!
Favorite chore: it is a close tie between scrubbing the kitchen floor and washing windows. There is something so refreshing about the smell of lemony pinesol--and a shiny kitchen.
Least favorite chore: cleaning the tub! I shed so much hair! Yuck. Such a pain.
OMG - I so know what you mean about a single person's fridge being less full! When Eric was here our fridge always used to be PACKED with stuff and now my fridge is looking more like yours!!
My least favourite chore has ALWAYS been vacuuming. I think it's because my mom used to make me do it over and over again when I was a kid until I did it "right" because I used to slack off and miss everything. So ya, I hate vacuuming, but I force myself to do it once a week or so!
So funny about the Baileys. Other than the occasional glass of wine with dinner I never drink alone either and I'm SURE a bottle of baileys would go bad in my fridge too because I'm not even a big fan of baileys!
I love Baileys!! I can't believe you wasted it! lol! It's the best straight in the wintertime. It tastes like chocolate milk (sort of).
My least favorite chore IS cleaning the tub. I HATE IT! Other than that I kind of like cleaning... but I'm lazy too. For the most part I keep my house very, very clean. I can't stand dishes in the sick and I hate a floor that needs to be vacuumed. I vacuum probably twice a week and am asking for a new vacuum for Christmas! That's obsessive.
I will not clean the tub. My husband does it. I get freaked out by the tub. I have not taken a bath in like 10 years haha. I also dislike doing the dishes ebcause it seems it is never ending. I need a dish washer. I actually don't mind dusting. But I rarely clean. I will be honest, I do huge cleans like every couple weeks. I clean as I go but I only dust when necessary. Vaccuum like once every two weeks.. umm yeah I'm not really anal on cleaning. Though I do clean the bathroom once a week or more.
I love cleaning too. It is rather warped but hey, it's something that makes me feel accomplished and so I like it. Laundry and ironing are my favorite chores.
Cleaning the fridge is fun because of the organization that results!
Well, this blog reminds me of the last time I cleaned our frig - THE WEEK OF ABBY'S WEDDING!! I truly did not plan this and would never have done it, except I was trying to reach something behind the pitcher of grape juice on the top shelf and it dropped on the floor and I had grape juice dripping from every imaginable place, including the kitchen cabinets! It took me over two hours to clean that mess up but having a clean frig was worth it! The whole time I was cleaning, I kept reasuring myself that this was a sign to move slower and take a breath!
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