Now back to the task at hand - my review of "Wishin' and Hopin'." This book, we meet Felix Funicello, distant cousin of Annette Funicello. Felix is a bright but very innocent 5th grader attending a Catholic elementary school. The sister that was their teacher has a nervous breakdown early in the year so the school brings in a replacement - who happens to be be obsessed with all things French! Madame Marguerite Frechette assumes her role and makes some changes to the curriculum. Soon the kids are learning French and preparing for a unique Christmas play.
This was a very quick, easy read. There were some funny parts that made me smile - and brought back memories of being in elementary school. I definitely do not miss that phase of my life, but it was fun to read about Felix's experiences.
I was actually wishing that the book had a bit more of a Holiday theme than it did. I love a good Holiday book! But it was still enjoyable!
Have you read this book or any other books by Wally Lamb?
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from TLC Book Tours. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising".
Sounds like a cute read! Kind of fitting for you with the whole French theme ;)
I have never read one of Lamb's books
I've given so many books away! I buy them and if I love it I keep it if I don't I pass it along. My mom and I pass books back and forth to each other.
I LOVE Wally Lamb..he's my favourite author. All of his books are a little strange, including She's Come Undone, but I would recommend giving it another try. He also writes I Know This Much is True, which is honestly one of the best books I've ever read! I'll have to read Wishin' and Hopin'. Thanks for the review.
I haven't read it but I want to read it! My mom has she's come undone on her shelf and the cover appeals to me so it's definitely on my TBR list (which is ever growing as of late).
Glad you enjoyed it! I may have to grab this one from the library =)
Hmm...this does not sound like a typical Lamb book at all! "Quick and easy?" I have always found his books to be full of extra random story lines. I do generally like his writing style though, minus the periods of rambling and backtracking, so this one sounds like a perfect version of Lamb!
I have a real aversion to holiday-themed books and movies. I don't know why, but I just never have the "urge" to read them/see them!
It does sound like a cute read though, I've never read that author!
I'm glad you enjoyed it even though it wasn't as "holiday-ish" as you expected. It sounds like something I'd really enjoy, and it would be my first Wally Lamb book as well.
Thanks for being a part of the tour!
I haven't heard of that author until now - but thanks for the review!
Sounds like a fun holiday read. I will have to check it out.
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