Yes, I have a family of iPods. 4 of them, to be exact. I realize that this might seem a bit excessive, but keep in mind I only purchased 2 of the 4. And each one serves a purpose. So without further ado, meet my iPod family!
Ella - Pete was a first generation Nano and only held 4G. I have quite the large music collection so I decided to use some credit card points to purchase an iPod Classic. It holds 120G so it easily holds my music collection. I never run with this because it is sort of big/bulky. But I use it every day - either on the drive in or while I am working. I am very lucky that I can put on my head phones and listen to music at work. It creates this barrier that helps me concentrate.
Patrick - Meet the last member of the iPod family, Patrick the iPod Touch. Similar to Pete, I did not purchase this one; one of my best friends generously gave it to me when she got an iPhone this summer. She apparently doesn't hoard iPods like I do. ;) She used this iPod on her trip to Paris with her husband last fall and thought I could get use out of it when I am in Paris in February since my cell phone will not work there. Patrick was very useful when I was in Canada on my marathon trip. I wasn't able to use my phone in Canada, so Patrick helped me keep in touch with the Barrister and my parents as I was able to send emails.
So there you have it. Don't judge. We all have our quirks. I realize it's a bit odd to own 4 iPods, and have names for them. But our quirks are what make us loveable and interesting!
LOL I have one and you know my issues on learning the one! I'm impressed you are so proficient with all of them. Sad Mac face made me smile!
Happy Tuesday!!
I have two ipods and occasionally steal my spouse's to add a third.... One of mine only works when actually connected to a power source now, which makes it not so good for um running.
Lisa, you gave me a much-needed laugh this morning!!! I love it!!
1st of all...if one were to search your condo -- they MIGHT think you're one of those crazy hoarder, OCD, pscyh patients. "Hmm...this woman has 38 coats, 5 I-Pods, and hundreds of spools of yarn.."
;) I love it!
I wish I could run with an i-pod! But the wires drive me crazy. My i-pod has been giving me the "sad Mac face" lately -- but I'm too cheap to just purchase a new one.
This made me smile this morning. I love that you hoard ipods and have named them all. As someone who doesn't own one, I'm impressed with your collection!
I love that you have an iPod FAMILY... I don't even have one!!
another reason why I love you so much!
I love all of their names!
I have three ipods. I have a 60GB, a shuffle, a Ipod touch and also a iphone. I got the touch for free with my Macbook and I got the shuffle for Christmas from Brian and I got the 60GB way back when I was a second year in college for my bday.
Haha that's funny! I have two i-pods but only use one of them. I bought my husband an i-pod touch for his birthday last year. They are fun!
You're too adorable. I love that they all have names, purposes and that you've kept them all. I hope to get an email or two from you when you're in Paris! =)
I have 3 and my husband has one. I totally understand. Although I haven't named them yet, but it sounds appealing.
LOL YES! I have been waiting for this post ;) I love that you have so many iPods - clearly they all have a very specific purpose too!!
Since my iPod nano got stolen in Rome I ONLY have my iPod shuffle. It's quite sad. I'm hoping to get a new iPod soon!
I did not know you had that many ipods, but do know that you love to listen to music and run with them! Your little "ipod family" is so cute!
I love this, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that you have specific names and jobs for them all!!
Have you seen those ipod shuffle watch bands? They cost around $10 and come in an array of colors.
We use our ipods every day.
The way this post was formatted in Google Reader was was like they were all on their specific steps. ;)
I used to have an iPod shuffle but it died about a year ago and now I have an iPod Touch that I absolutely love. I haven't named them, though. Haha, I should do that. :)
I love this post and that you have names and stories for all of them. And of course, I love that two of them are named Pete/Peter. Haha! I would love an ipod touch or the newest shuffle.
Haha! This is awesome/hilarious. No need to justify your love of ipods to me though. I only have one, but I can't imagine not having it - especially for those long runs on my own. (I haven't named mine though, maybe I should??!)
Haha :) I love all your ipods. I have 2- one I use running (the nano) and one I bought before my honeymoon so I could listen to music and watch movies on the plane. Highly recommend "renting" (you get to keep for 30 days) some movies before your flight.
How do you use the ipod touch to make phone calls? I didn't know you could do that!
LOL - I have one ipod, and I don't ever use it. Haven't used it in over a year!
Okay I read this in my reader this morning but couldn't comment at work and I've been giggling about your family of ipods all day!
hahaha i don't even own ONE ipod!! i do have one mp3 player that is a piece of crap that needs to be replaced.
I don't have any iPods. But I did ask for one of the new nanos for Christmas. I sure hope I get it!
Your iPod family is very cute!
I technically have 2 ipods. Although the first is a 2nd generation ipod from around '03, so while I still own it, it's been retired.
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