Day 2: Today I am thankful for the goods I've made with food from my garden.
Salsa on the left, marinara on the right. |
I never thought that gardening would be something that I'd get into since I had a track record of killing house plants. But it turns out I have a knack for growing edible things! I love that we have a cupboard shelf that is full of jars of marinara and salsa, and a freezer with lots of frozen green beans and another kind of marinara. It's going to be great to enjoy these goods from my garden during the cold winter months!
What are you thankful for today?
It's been fun following all of your gardening adventures! We are hoping to get our garden up and running next spring/summer. I wouldn't say we have a knack for it, though going away a lot in the summer doesn't help ha ha but we were able to get some good veggies out of it the one time we did it. We also have a sprinkler now and the benefit of experience (don't put the plants on top of each other this time ha)!
I've enjoyed following your growing adventures! I think it's awesome you will have all of this to enjoy in the coming months!
Look at all that! You're going to need to build a bigger pantry!
Today I am thankful for my first decent night's sleep in a week.
I had a feeling this would be on your list this year! I am hoping we can start a garden in our yard next year but we have a lot of wildlife (rabbits, foxes, coyotes, deer) so if we don't get proper fencing installed, I don't think we'll be too successful.
Today I am thankful to have reached full term - if Noah comes it won't be too early, so I feel less guilty about wanting him out! ;)
I've loved following your gardening adventures! I am definitely going to get a bed at the community garden next summer so I will be reaching out to you for lots of tips and advice I'm sure :)
I have no interest AT ALL in gardening, but I have really enjoyed your updates and it makes me contemplate gardening. Juuuust contemplate it. For now. ;)
Today, I'm thankful for half-day Fridays and knowing a nap is in my future. I need it!
Oh, I remember the days when my canning shelves were filled with our garden produce! It is a great feeling of accomplishment! Enjoy every meal made with them, as it is a reward of your hard work!
I'd love to get into gardening and jarring. For the first seven years of my life, I lived mostly on homegrown foods. We don't have much space for a garden, and have been growing some things in pots each year, but I definitely want to do more.
My garden hasn't really produced enough to make it last through the winter, but it still nice to grow some of your own food.
I love that you've taken up gardening, as we always talked about it, but with you moving and/or having only a tiny patio, it just wasn't as easy for you. This year I canned a lot of tomatoes as well as some apples, as my mom has an apple tree. It's so nice to be able to pull out a jar of fresh tomatoes or tomato sauce in the dead of winter! I also often can pickles, which don't last long, as well as jalapenos, which I don't grow myself, but that I love so much!
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