We had a fun, full weekend! The weather was picture perfect. Here are some highlights!
- I ran 4 miles by myself on Saturday and Monday mornings. The water of the lake I run around was like glass both days and I saw some baby geese on Monday! Both runs were those ‘pinch me, I can’t believe I live here!’ kind of moments!
- On Saturday morning we walked/scooted to the grocery store/ Starbucks - the boys shared a donut and I had a latte (Phil was grocery shopping). Then we walked 2 blocks to the library, spent some time there, and walked home. Mornings like the one I had on Saturday are why we love living in Minneapolis proper. I love that we can walk to all of these places and I can run on walking/running paths (there is a bike path, too).
Some of our library haul! |
- After quiet time, Will insisted we go to the ‘geese house’ to play with the toys. He chose this over the park! So I hung out at the geese house and Paul and Phil went to the park. I forgot to mention that when I met the geese house people recently, I asked about the costumes - it turns out there is a catalog (!!) that they order costumes from and some are made by the mom of the geese mom.
A bee and a graduate |
- On Sunday we hit up the children’s museum before spending the rest of the day with my MIL. The museum was fun but seems to always involve me carrying a flailing, screaming toddler out at the end. We had a nice day at my MIL’s although our plans to get ice cream at the local spot were foiled by a super long line. :( So we went to DQ instead which was still great.
The car wash area is his favorite! |
- I cleaned most of our fridge on Monday. This is an odd high but it was so satisfying. I still need to clean the fruit and veggie drawer and the door compartments. But it looks 100 times better.
- We ended our weekend with a delicious (mostly) grilled dinner (I made the corn in the instant pot). The skewers are one of our fave summer meals -
shrimp and pineapple skewers (we skip the lime juice and scallions).
There were some lows, but more highs than lows!
How was your weekend? What were some highlights?
That sounds like a great weekend. Of course, any weekend with a couple of runs and some ice cream is pretty much a win in my book. My Dad is a huge fan of ice cream and would even have it for dinner most days so this is a fond memory of mine as a child. However, he likes lots of chunks in his which I find weird! I am a smooth ice cream fan (Vanilla or Mexican Chocolate or Coconut...or maybe Chocolate Chip are my faves, but he likes Moose Tracks!) myself. Unfortunately he has a bit of high cholesterol and has been asked to tone down his sugar (aka ice cream) intake, so we don't have as much as we used to...
I love the geese! I wonder though, are they a matched theme? Because I am not sure how a bee and a graduate go together, unless I am missing something. Regardless, I love how they change them so often and keep you amused for hours at a time, and the fact that Will wanted to go there instead of the park is priceless. I hope you tell the goose lady that, as I am sure she would be touched!
I love posts like this; I get warm fuzzies from all the cheer!
I can't believe there is a CATALOG for those costumes. Too funny. I assumed they were all custom-made. It just goes to show you can source just about anything these days.
Love the gorgeous views while you went for runs and the good food (including ice cream - yum).
Also, you know I am here for cleaning out a fridge. One of my favourite things to tidy - and I agree it is so, so satisfying!
This looks like an amazing weekend! Yay for finally getting summer temps!!!!! I have run-envy with those pictures- Minneapolis is one of the great running cities! So beautiful. That is so nice you guys can walk so many places from your home. If we make Tucson our permanent home - our next house Will definitely be more central so we can do that, too!
We are definitely cut from the same cloth. I cleaned our fridge Sunday and told Ryan how much I enjoy this chore whenever I do it lol! If just feels so good to throw things away and see that white sparkle afterwards.
We had a great weekend at the cabin and came down Sunday to do some cleaning & took Maddy to an outdoor orchestra concert at a park that night. It was so much fun!
What a wonderful weekend! We had five days so it seemed as did a lot. On Friday L and I had a girl's date-went to Nordstroms to return some stuff and tried out lipsticks. Bought two (for me not her ;), then had lunch. Saturday, partner took the kids with him to Mass. to see their great grandma - a day trip! I was all alone in the house and it was glorious! went to a Korean sauna, too. Sunday... Played outside while I gardened, then the kids went over neighbor's house to do sprinklers. Afternoon- were invited to dinner with a Russian family (another neighbor). Monday: more playing, and gardening, and a barbecue in the evening. Today they are in school and I'm home! A hike with a friend and organize my head for the next three days of work.
Yay for more time outside and pleasant weekends, particularly long holiday weekends with pleasant weather!
We had so much fun with family on Saturday and this upcoming weekend is also full of big exciting things, too. Yay for summer! (I feel like I'm more excited about summer this year than I any time I can remember in the past. I'm giddy with excitement about it.)
Again, so weather jealous right now, LOL!!! I’m so glad y’all had such a wonderful weekend!!! Children’s museums are so much fun!!! I agree that you do live in an amazing area!!! I always tell people how great I think Minneapolis is!!! MN in general is a beautiful state!!!
Your weekend looks great! I need to know more about the little dressed up geese! We had great weather here too. Normally we spend our Memorial Day weekends in Deep Creek, but this year we did not. Instead, we did local things. On Friday we went to an amusement park. The weather was perfect. Jason and Welles love to ride. I don’t mind sitting and reading while they do. I finished an entire book on Friday! I also rode a few things- like the Merry Go Round. I can take tame rides :) On Sunday we went into the city and saw an extremely cool chalk festival. Artists made these incredible chalk drawings all through the streets of Pittsburgh. Then we went out for a belated birthday dinner for Jason at a fancy Brazilian steak house. We had accumulated several giftcard and it was time to use them. The meal was good (I love the salad bar items— especially the pineapple carpaccio) and then we topped off our evening with Yinz Coffee (another Pittsburgh favorite). On Monday we went to my parents and hung out with everyone and had food from the grill. Welles and I officially finished school last Thursday so we are enjoying the life of leisure right now! I assembled a comfy patio set over the past two days with the help of my friend. I used my money from being a junior class advisor to purchase it and it is already worth every penny. It is going to be my “go to” spot for the summer!!!!!
What a great weekend, here's to summer! Yay!
Apart from the flailing, screaming toddler, it sounds like a terrific weekend! Can you believe how hot it has been? There too? The kids look great and so does that dinner!
The lake looks amazing, no wonder you’ll pinch yourself. I find running in a beautiful place so uplifting, which was my experience in dc. Oh.. grilling season is starting. I miss our backyard grill… not sure we will have that again.
I love grilled summer dinners-- those skewers look awesome! What a lovely weekend.
Oh that's so funny about the geese catalog!! But I suppose it makes sense- I guess there has to be some place that supplies little outfits that perfectly fit the geese! haha. Hopefully you got the chance to tell them how much the boys enjoy their geese and the costumes, and I am sure it brightened their day to know that they are appreciated!!
The weather was spectacular this weekend, wasn't it? I'm glad you got the chance to get out for a couple of solo runs and enjoy it!! I feel that same way when I walk by our pond in the park just a couple blocks from our house... it's SO pretty so many days!! I also feel lucky to have access to that on a daily basis.
A catalog for geese clothes! There is truly something for everything these days. I love it!
Sounds like a really fun weekend, and glad the weather is cooperating now that you can get out and about with the boys!
Oh, that sounds really nice! Especially the Saturday morning- I would love to run around a beautiful lake, then walk to Starbucks and the library. Here, you have to drive everywhere.
I want to see that goose clothes catalog!
This sounds like a really nice, fun start-to-the-summer weekend ;) and those skewers look delicious. I cannot wait to get out the grill.
Oh, summer in the midwest. It's the best. :) I am bummed you wound up at DQ, but ice cream is ice cream, and it's essential in the summer. Thank goodness there was a back up! Yay for grilling - I do miss that, living in an apartment!
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