We had a long weekend since financial markets and daycare was closed for the Juneteenth holiday. Here are some high and low points.
- Phil had some college friends over for beers on our patio on Friday night. I chatted with them for a bit before making myself scarce. I have far more social plans than Phil does since I am such a planner, but it was nice for him to have some plans for a change!
- It was so great to see so much family at my nephew’s grad party! I saw 3 of my 4 siblings and 7 of my 9 nieces and nephews. I also saw 2 sets of aunts and uncles. Paul had a blast with his cousins, especially my 2 nieces. On Friday he said, ‘do you know who some of my favorite people in the world are? My cousins! I love them so much!’ My kids are quite a bit younger than many of my nieces and nephews so I feared he wouldn’t have the cousin relationships I treasured when I was growing up. But that doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not yet.
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Looking sharp in spectacles! |
- I had problems again with the website that I pull data from for my weekly data pull for work. This chore has become the bane of my existence. It should take 20 minutes if all goes well, but half of the time the website is down on Saturday morning, it seems. I’m working on identifying new source for the data.
- The grad party was from 11-2 so Will had to miss his nap. We debated bringing his pack and play and having him nap there but it seemed like such a hassle and he is 2.5 so I thought it’d be fine. Reader, it was not fine. He hung in pretty well for the party but was a hot mess for the rest of the day and went to bed early. He took a short car nap on the way home but it didn’t help matters.
So very hot and tired |
- We desperately need rain but I wish it hadn’t rained on Sunday morning when we were at the park/farmer’s market. A friend of Phil’s planned a casual Father’s Day baseball game at a diamond by the farmer’s market. But it rained on and off the whole time we were there. I ended up leaving with the kids and Phil caught a ride home with a friend because Will was having a melt down and I’d had it with the light rain. So I was the mom carrying the flailing toddler to the car. I guess big toddler emotions were the theme of the weekend (or most days these days?). Or the theme was me carrying a melting down toddler to various places (out of the party, out of the park, up to bed).
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Hiding under some play equipment to avoid the rain. |
How was your weekend?
I thought I left a comment on your last post (fab dress!)-- Zenni is SO great. I bought several pairs so I could lose them at will LOL. He looks so darn cute in glasses. Spike Ball is a huge hit over here too-- your weekend looks lovely.
Big toddler emotions indeed! Too bad about the rain timing. That really puts a damper, pun intended, on the festivities.
I'm happy for you that your kids have such a fun time with their cousins! This is something that is totally not my reality, but I kind of wish it was.
Paul looks so cute in those glasses!
Bummer about the rain! It puts a bit of a cramp (crimp?) in the day, doesn't it? I actually was listening to a book this weekend and I thought of you (Pineapple Street) because the mother was a stay at home Mom and her husband traveled a lot and she had a nickname for solo Sundays which of course I now can't remember, but she talked about how the day can drag and that it was sometimes nice when Monday came...I always think of you and your long winter weekends when I read things like that.
Pablo looks like a mini Harry Potter! Okay, maybe not exactly, but he looks so cute in those little glasses! I never heard of Zenni, but I got my last pair of glasses from Warby Parker instead of at the eye doctor and they are okay but it was kind of nice to get them from the actual shop and try them on there etc. I would give the online glasses experience a 7 out of 10 (although their customer service was great), versus the online contacts experience, which is a 9 out of 10!
Hee hee! Paul is going to look SO CUTE with glasses! Overall it sounds like a great weekend. The kids look happy hiding under the playground equipment in the rain. Yes, it's great that they can enjoy their cousins! My kids basically have no cousins- my sister doesn't have kids, and my husband's siblings are much older than him so the only cousins my kids have are way older than them. They don't even realize they're cousins- every once in a while they'll ask 'Is Claire my aunt?" No, she's a cousin! I feel bad about it- I think the cousin relationships are important. Oh well!
I feel like a nano commercial but my relatively careful daughter broke 2 pairs of “crocs kids” glasses in a year (she was 3.5 though, so younger than Paul!) before we switched to nanos. She was on our insurance- so a different scenario- but I didn’t even know Nano-type glasses exist and for us they have beena game changer! It’s just really hard for kids to not (over)stretch the arm joint when they put on their glasses. I am not US-based so don’t know Zenni and their glasses may be kid-durable… and whoa! The cost of glasses is no joke so I’m all for cheaper!!!! and if not as you said, it’s a reasonable approach to start with something cheaper and wait to get him on your insurance…. And of course then have a spare as someone noted (although we’ve never needed one since switching to nano..) Honestly, whatever is comfortable for him to wear and thinks is cool and is a great way to start off glasses wearing on a positive note (;
Water play for the win! I feel like the novelty of those sorts of activities still hits home at the beginning of each summer season for all age groups? MY kids still love to play outside with some buckets and utensils. They'll write on the driveway in water or wash their bikes. By the end of the summer, they have ZERO interest in this sort of thing, but there is an inner toddler that comes out early in the year.
Toddler meltdowns are so intense. I have been there and I can promise (PROMISE) it gets better. It's exhausting and I found I was always hot, sweaty, and tired at the end of those sorts of experiences. It's tough on the nerves. Honestly, when naps are still part of the picture, it's always a toss up how events will go with kids (at least in my experience). Again - parenting is tough at every stage for different reasons, but there is nothing that frays the nerves like an overtired toddler. You've got this Lisa!! And so glad there were some lovely moments to offset the tough ones.
I purchased my last 3 pairs of glasses from Target. I was going to do the online option but couldn’t figure it out. I have a distance pair, a computer pair and then a distance pair of sunglasses. These are all from 2020 so I’m probably due to get an exam. It’s just not my favorite experience so I inevitably put it off way too long!
Ah! Toddler emotions!!! Thankfully most days people understand and are just thankful it’s not them being the one to have to haul the flailing toddler. My nephew who is almost 5 was having lots of big emotions at the lake this weekend. It’s SUPER frustrating when report programs don’t work!!!! We often have glitchy things with our system at work and it makes us all a little crazy!!!
Spike ball was HUGE with my niblings in our late-May gathering - even the teens. That's a game that will grow with everyone.
I was older when I got eyeglasses (11), but I lived my life in absolute fear that I would break them. I would go with something with an amazing warranty or that is super cheap. LOL. This is actually the biggest reason I never wanted to play ball sports and I'm such a coward about a lot of contact sports!
Awwww too many meltdowns! (Including the data pulling service, which can't keep it together?!?!?) Sorry the weekend was kind of bumpy. Paul looks adorable in glasses though!
my husband never organizes social events either, he's just lazy or doesn't feel comfortable meeting new people. I don't force him to go to mine either, each to its own.
sorry about the meltdowns, those are worse for a hope-to-be-relaxing weekend. but they will pass eventually.
My toddler just turned three, and everything you wrote is 100% familiar (also, my toddler kind of looks like Will, so it's fun too look at the photos) It helps to know it passes, but my 6-year-old still had a few massive meltdowns over the last week, so it happens slowly. I do feel like my toddler's ability to hold it together after a skipped nap has improved a TON in the last 6 months. He still definitely needs naps 95% of the time, but a missed nap is not the disaster that it was even back in early Spring!
Paul looks so cute in his glasses! (And I loveeee the shirt he's wearing!) I think opting for a cheap pair right now and then upgrading to something more durable when he's on your vision insurance is a good option. I haven't tried Zenni but I've heard good things about them. I usually go the Warby Parker route because I like the home try-on option (I hate being in an eyeglass store and trying on glasses in front of salespeople!)
Toddler meltdowns, oof. You are in the thick of it with Will, it seems. Hopefully he grows out of them soon enough!
Oof, those toddler meltdowns sound rough. I barely remember those days- I think I've blocked them out! Haha. I can't tell you how glad I am to not have to worry about things like naps anymore!!!!
The glasses look cute! Ivan doesn't wear glasses, so I am crossing my fingers that the boys' vision stays good like his! Mine is AWFUL. I'm literally blind as a bat without my contacts in. I got new glasses frames a little over a year ago now, but I just went with some from the eye doctor's office. They were not cheap but not the most expensive, either. It just seemed simple and easy and I didn't want to mess around doing hours of comparison shopping! Also, I barely ever wear my glasses- basically never out in public, only generally a few minutes before bed, if that. My old frames were very dated and ugly though and I always worried that if I "had" to wear my glasses due to an eye infection or other reason, I wouldn't have wanted to wear those in front of anyone! So I finally went to upgrade to cuter frames. I really should wear my glasses sometimes because they are nice! But I am not used to seeing myself in glasses anymore.
I don't have the boys or Ivan on my vision plan either. The eye exams are covered by medical insurance so for now that's been sufficient.
Paul looks super cute in his glasses! A good idea to wear yours in solidarity. I finished work last Friday so our summer officially started. On the weekend we celebrate Tony and I took the kids out of the house to give him some time to be creative, he is a YouTuber and maker (on the side). A barbecue, some neighbors over. Low-key but enjoyable!
Sounds pretty good overall! Paul looks like a cool guy in his new glasses. I like them!
Such a nice, social weekend for all of you :) I can imagine though that the heat was hard to handle... but then the rain as well (can it just be temperate and pleasant all the time? :)).
Paul looks so cute with his glasses!
So many ups, and so many not-quite-ups. I'm so happy to see that Paul's cousins welcome him AND play with him. That's wonderful for any kid - but particularly one who trails in age. :)
He looks adorable in glasses. My only comment is to second (third? fourth?) the recommendation to get a backup. One never knows what will happen, even with a careful kid.
I hope the weekends have been sunnier for you - your family definitely thrives when they can go outside!
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