Will hit the 2.5 year old mark in early June, so I figured I'd do a little Will-centric post. First things first, you should all know that no one calls him Will... That's how I refer to him on my blog, but everyone calls him Taco. Why Taco? Well that is what Paul named him when I was pregnant and the name stuck. Earlier this spring, I met the mom of his favorite friend at school during pick up and said how much Taco talks about her son, Mack. She asked what my son's name was and I said Will and she was like, 'oh, ok.' (it was evident her son had not talked about his friend Will). Then I said - well, he goes by Taco and her face lit up and she said, 'Oh Taco! Yes, we hear about Taco all of the time!' I will admit I am a little bit insecure about calling him Taco in public - I wonder if people think I'm a monster that named her child Taco! I mean, there are some unique names out there (like Apple??). So I usually say Taco followed by Will or William so it's clear I did not name my child after a food. He's most likely to listen when I say Taco because that is what he will tell you his name is!
Growth: He seems big to us compared to Paul (they are only about 4 pounds apart) but he's smaller-to-average in terms of weight at 28 pounds but is kind of tallish with a long torso. He wear 18m shirts and all other clothes are 2T.
Words and phrases: He had a bit of speech delay around 1-1.5 years due to all his ear infections but that has certainly reversed itself! He talks A LOT now. He is my little shadow baby so is always saying, "I come wif?" He used to say "Amo" (Spanish for I love) when I said good night but now he says "I love you." He understands Spanish and speaks some words in Spanish, but if I try to say words in Spanish to him, like the Spanish word for different animals he yells "NO!!!" at me. I don't know what that is all about! While his language has come a long way, he still struggles to communicate, especially when he is frustrated. He can go from perfectly happy to being splayed out face down on the ground screaming over who knows what. It's kind of impressive.
- He is the hugest fan of being outside. He basically wants to be outside from when we wake up to when we go to bed. I love his enthusiasm for the outdoors but sometimes it's a source of conflict/big emotions, like when he needs to eat a meal. Yes, we could eat outdoors, but it's kind of a production to haul everything out to our patio so it's easiest to just eat in our kitchen. Luckily he still loves stroller walks and asks to go for walks in the stroller.
- He loves the children's museum and in particular, the car wash station. He also went through a phase where he was very into the broom and dust pan. So he seems to kind of like cleaning but it's not like he's gung ho to clean up toys exactly...

- He is a big fan of Taylor Swift - I have obviously influenced that love. He gets obsessed with songs and asks for the same one over and over. His last favorite was "The Great War" and now he's in love with "Paris." He really liked "Anti-Hero" when it first came out. It was cute to hear him say the "hi" part of the lyric: "It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me." When he is upset in the car, we listen to "You Need to Calm Down" and it magically seems to help.
- He loves trucks/cars/things that go and has to sleep with 3 small matchbox-sized trucks - a bus, a pick-up truck, and a steamroller. In general, he has to sleep with a lot - he has a stuffed cat and snowy owl that have to sit-up/stand in the corner of his crib, and then he has a bunch of other lovies (cat, bunny, a pound patrol puppy that belong to daddy when he was a child).
- Oof this kid has STRONG opinions about things. He generally will NOT let me sing to him, with the exception of "You are my sunshine" at bedtime. But if I try to sing along to Taylor Swift in the car, he will voice his disapproval! That is one example of things he has strong opinions about.
- He does not like to have his picture taken, generally speaking. He will say - no picture!! So I have to sneakily take his picture.
Usual expression when I try to take a photo. |
Eating: He's a better eater than Paul but that isn't saying much... His favorite food is yogurt. He likes lots of different fruits, peanut butter toast with banana, pizza, crackers, chips, etc. So basically give him all the carbs and he is happy. Every night, Phil, Taco and I share an apple while watching Wheel of Fortune. He is very into routines/schedules so he will start asking for wheel and apple after dinner. But in all seasons of the year, even when it is very warm in the house, he insists on sitting on the couch with a blanket over his lap while eating his slices of apples.
A rare time that he was eating an apple without a blanket in his lap. But he's got a blanket in hand! |
School: He moved into the Young Preschool room at school this week! He learned so much in his last room so I know his learning will continue to take off. He knows most of his ABCs but prefers to sing-scream "NOW I KNOW MY ABCS..." He can count to 10 in English and Spanish. We had school pictures recently and he was clearly not a fan. Lol.
Potty training: Oof, we have not attempted this. They will really focus on potty training in the young preschool room so we'll wait until they have success to focus on this at home. Our biggest challenge with Will is constipation/frequent teeny tiny bowel movements, which then results in a nasty diaper rash, which then makes him try not to poop, and the cycle repeats itself. We've seen his pediatrician for this but we are kind of at a loss for what to do. Paul had trouble with constipation but miralax did the trick. We have his 2.5 year pediatrician appointment tomorrow so hopefully we can figure out a plan/solution. We've been using miralax but can't seem to find the right dose/frequency of dose.
Brother relationship: Paul and Taco are getting better and better at playing together. Taco really WANTS to play with Paul but sometimes Paul has a very defined idea of what he wants to do - like he wants Taco to be a character in the show Wild Kratts... But generally they play well together and get along. Taco insists on hugging everyone before the parent handling bedtime takes him upstairs - he walks around w/ his arms open saying, 'Hugs! Hugs!' I hope their bond continues to strengthen and develop!
Isn't this how you would watch Wheel of Fortune with your brother? |
All in all, he is a sweet, funny, affectionate little guy. I can't imagine our family without him! It appears as though he is going to be the class clown as he loves to make people laugh!
Wow, he is getting so big! I am glad he is talking more, because I think some of his frustration or tantrums could have been due to not being able to communicate, so hopefully they will taper off as time goes by. I think younger siblings also have some jealousy issues due to the older one "getting more" than they do (or at least that is how MY younger brother was!)
I love that he is named after a food, and maybe I am naïve but I don't see a problem with it! We had a friend we called Bean when I was in school; I don't know how his Mom felt about that, but as kids, we did not have an issue! I sometimes have to stretch to remember that his real name is Mike (who?) We also called my little cousin Peanut for a while because he had a big head when he was little, but that did not stick (the name or the head size), which is probably for the best.
I love the last photo of Taco on top of Pablo! This is sibling love at its finest. How long did Pablo allow him to do that? Did they do it for the entire time? I imagine it did not last too long...
Kids grow up so fast. The days are long, but the years really are short.
What a sweetie! I love those school pictures; so representative of kids at that age. My kids STILL complain about getting their photo taken, so that doesn't necessarily get better.
Ah, blankies. One kid grew out of stuffed animals and blankets early on; the other kid (a snuggler from the moment he was born) CANNOT sleep without Brown Blankie and has literally spent every night since birth with this thing. I love how much comfort it still gives him and honestly feels like the last vestiage of "babyhood" so I'm loathe for him to give it up.
I'm with Will - I love routines. And Wheel of Fortune is so fun. I think there are some episodes on Netflix; I should show the kids. I bet they would love it!
OMG I love that you watch Wheel of Fortune. That is the cutest thing ever. This whole post is very sweet. He sounds like a real character! Little Taco, so funny. I wonder how long he will go by that name? Do you call him Taco at home too?
"So basically give him all the carbs and he is happy." Same, buddy, same. Also, yes, it's 85 degrees in our house with the AC on, but I will also have a blankie on my lap. I mean. Yes. That's the rule.
Oh my our boys are so similar in some ways. My oldest loves his stuffed dogs and has a ton on his bed and must sleep with certain ones every night. My youngest has one lovie, a lion, that he’s been attached to since 12? months. All other lovies and stuffed animals were rejected and always put at the foot of his crib and now bed. He is our screamer and would scream at 15 months til maybe 2? (Memory is fuzzy now lol). He loves sports and tackles/wrestled his older brother and has laid on him just like your little one did to his brother. They’re so sweet with each other and I’ve overheard them on occasion saying goodnight to each other with hugs and kisses and using the same phrases I use when saying goodnight. My youngest also likes telling jokes lately and is still working on delivering good punchlines but we laugh along simply because he thinks he’s told the best joke ever lol. My oldest too likes to play certain characters, scenarios with his younger brother and it has caused some rivalry lol.
I love this snapshot of Will! He sounds like such a character, so confident and clear on what he wants! Such a cutie pie.
that pic of him looking at the pots when you want to take pics of him is hilarious!!! hahahah.. so cute!
I know that it's not easy to deal with an opinionated kids who has ideas what he wants to do, but I guess it's good that way in the long term. Still he will probably change more ways in the coming years. :)
soooo cute all the pics...they remind me of my girls' babyhood.
Oh, Will! I feel like I know him. Partially through your blog, and partially because he reminds me of my daughter at that age. She had VERY strong opinions and got frustrated very easily, and had frequent tantrums. I was blindsided by this since my son was so easygoing! Also around that age, she insisted for some reason that her name was "Pansy" and it turned out that some kids in her preschool didn't know her real name.
I'm also laughing at that school picture! That's a keeper, for sure.
What a fun post, Lisa. He's cute as a bug and LOVE the name Taco. I see nothing wrong about it -- people will know it's a nickname and a cute one!
He’s such a sweet little boy! I can’t wait to spend more time with him at the lake this summer!
Awww, Will! What a cutie. Those school photos - poor dude! He was NOT happy about them!
I'm glad his language has improved because I'm sure that helps with the tantrums.
Taco is such a cute nickname. I love that it's basically his name, though!
Thank you for giving us an update on Taco. That is so cute. Rainn has a soft toy (Pusheen the cat, from a Japanese cartoon but he doesn't know it yet) and it goes everywhere with him. God forbid he doesn't have Pusheen when he is going to sleep! Pusheen traveled with us to Iceland, Denmark, and Maine and is going to Spain this summer. he regularly is passed through a washing machine cycle.
You know how sometimes people give their kids names that they think are not prone to being shortened for a nickname? I know that is not true with Will(iam), but my point is, kids will always have nicknames -and sometimes they tend to be "food" related. I don't think other kids actually think about it that "Taco" is a food, they just think of Will. :)
Oh those photos are so funny!! The pots and pans one but especially the school pictures!! We had a school picture from age 4 of Ethan where we were both working that day, so my SIL got him off to 4K... well, it was cold out so she put a hat on him, but somehow the photographer didn't notice/didn't care that his hair was literally standing straight up after the hat came off!! It is the most ridiculous looking photo ever, lol! At least he smiled, but his hair is just awful in it!! What can you do. ;)
He does seem strong willed and opinionated- it will be fun to see if these traits linger or if he ends up being super easy going when he's older!!
I just love that you call him Taco. I bet it sticks for a while.
Will is my spirit twin in his perspective on photos. That face is the one I WANT to make, but... I'm no longer two. ;) (The school pics are amazing...)
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