9 days into the school year and we got hit with our first bug. Le sigh. Paul woke me from a deep sleep at midnight on Friday night saying he thought he was getting sick. In my disoriented, exhausted state I didn’t ask any details. I assumed he meant he was getting a cold so I just tucked him back into bed and told him his body needed sleep to fight the germs. I regretted not asking what he meant by ‘getting sick’ when he woke at 5 to tell us he had thrown up in his bed. Gah. We got him bathed, changed his bedding and got him back to bed and laid down for a bit. I didn’t really fall back to sleep after that and Taco was up at 6:30.
The day wasn’t all bad, though.
- Phil still golfed with our friends and their team won the charity tournament so he came home with some bottles of wine that they won. We rescheduled the get together at their house for the end of the month.
- Paul stayed in his room all morning with his iPad so I just had to check in on him while watching Taco. I was able to get a Caroline Girvan workout in while Taco played with toys in the basement. I did the 9th workout in her Epic Heat series. I had done the 8th workout on Friday and both had lots of Bulgarian lunges and squats so I was sore afterwards but a good kind of sore.
- I also cleaned our kitchen while Taco played with kitchen toys. There’s nothing like a stomach bug to bring out the ‘disinfect everything’ vibe!!!
- Phil took Taco for a 2 hour walk/adventure in the neighborhood in the afternoon while I kept an eye on Paul and did some decluttering/boxing up of things the boys don’t play with anymore. Taco seems to smile better when Phil takes photos!
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Throwing rocks at Lake Harriet! |
- Not so good: That night Phil and I watched an episode of the latest season of Alone and one of the contestant threw up on camera repeatedly and I about lost it. I can handle blood and gore. For example, I find the live photos from my c-sections that the nurse anesthetist took incredibly fascinating and they don’t phase me in the least. Seeing someone puke? HARD PASS.
Sunday was much better. Paul felt bad to his normal self. Phew.
- I woke up on my own at 6 feeling fully rested! I got the boys breakfast and then we snuggled up on the couch to watch Ratatouille, my favorite Pixar film!
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Of course Taco would not smile. Ha. |
- I went to outdoor yoga at a brewery (Utepils) at 10 and then my friend and I stayed for our free drink. She had a beer, I had a hard seltzer. The weather was sunny and gorgeous! I hadn’t done a yoga class since a prenatal class when I was pregnant with Paul so I was very overdue! The class felt so good since I was still very sore from the CG workouts!
- Paul’s swimming lesson was at 1:15. He’s making progress but it’s painstakingly slow progress. Luckily the other kid in his class is similarly terrified of the water.
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Holding on for dear life with his sweet, patient teacher! |
- We ended our full day at the birthday party of the daughter of Phil’s HS friend. The weather was absolutely perfect!
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Taco was very interested in the birthday girl’s gifts |
Stomach flu aside, it was a good weekend. How was yours? If you have kids in school, are you all staying healthy?
So far, so good with the illnesses this year, but I know it's only a matter of time. I hate vomit. I mean, who likes it? But I just dread it with every ounce of my being.
Flu aside, it really sounds like a great weekend and I'm so glad Paul bounced back quickly!!! Hooray. Fingers crossed everyone else stays healthy and you have a seamless week ahead.
I am so glad that Paul was feeling better on Sunday and that your weekend turned around a bit! Plus it sounds like you got some good workouts in! I think I need to try CG, since I think that someone else (Beckett? Kae?) likes her workouts and I really really need a boost and some motivation. My workouts have been crap!
I spent the weekend procrastinating working out/running (see what I mean) which means I got a lot of decluttering and reading done. I am nearly done with Stealing, which I think was your recommendation, and it is really good so far! I think after commenting on your last post about not reading my ebooks, I decided to give it a whirl and I could not put it down!
Oh, the September sicknesses! I remember those days well. Sorry about the vomit in the bed. Vomit with kids is the worst, and I clearly remember how wonderful it was when they were old enough to figure out to go to the toilet. And speaking of vomit, I am with you: any movie/ TV show that has vomit in it should come with a warning. Why! Why even???
Other than that it sounds like your weekend went well. OTHER THAN THE VOMIT. That sounds ridiculous. But it does sound like Paul is on the mend and hopefully it bypasses everyone else.
My son had a bit of the sniffles, since subsided, which makes sense as he is in dorms. Everyone and their dog has been asking me if Covid is going through the dorms and *shrug* I don't know. What are we supposed to do at this stage of the game anyway that would be any different? I was chatting with my son and we were laughing about it. "You have the sniffles? BETTER PUT ON YOUR PPE AND WEAR IT EVERYWHERE! IT'S THE LONG COVID COMING TO GET YOU!" I guess we shouldn't joke about it but if you can't laugh, what can you do. I haven't been sick for a long while, hopefully we all stay that way.
It does sound like a good weekend in spite of the stomach virus! I'm glad Paul bounced back in time to enjoy the Sunday festivities, AND I hope no one else gets it!!!
So far we have not been sick this year. It's a good thing, because missing school in high school is a huge pain. They do "block periods" which means they have each class every other day, but for two full periods in a row (they alternate between odd and even days.) So if you stay home one day, you've missed a double period of algebra, etc. My son used to just go to school when he was sick because he said it was easier than trying to make up the work (of course, this was pre-Covid!) So anyway... fingers crossed. The constant sicknesses are more a thing for younger kids, I think. It gets better once they're in middle and high school.
Yuckkkk not the stomach flu.. it's like my worst nightmare. Although- isn't it so much "better" at least with kids that can generally hit the toilet (after the nighttime one, I suppose) and can just chill with an ipad? I remember it just being so awful with like 2-3 year olds that basically just puke everywhere. ugh. And I'm not going to say it out loud in fear of jinxing it, but you know as well as I do what usually happens to the sibling next.... ha. It's like a ticking time bomb....usually, oh, ~3 days later and boom. Next! UGH. Fingers crossed it's miraculously an isolated incident. ;)
I absolutely cannot imagine throwing up and then just being fine the next day. Like, I'd be wrecked. Kids are amazing.
So far no one is sick. But I swear Isla is allergic to the school building. I always forget this happens and then she gets a stuffed up nose and a bloody nose and I forget that she needs to take allergy meds during the school year. So weird. Her doctor said just keep giving her allergy meds during the school year because it helps keep the bloody noses at bay, but then we forget for awhile!
Elisabeth, I miss your blog! Any chance it will come back soon? Hope all is ok. Cheers, Sophie
Hi Lisa! Happy to hear that the weekend ended up being good! Kids fight germs so much more effectively than we do, no surprise Paul felt better the next day. Well done bud!
Sickies. Yep, we got them too. R was sniffling for the last three days and I was like “yep, 5 days in a public preschool and here we are.” L has been doing well. Fingers crossed but I know once the cold weather starts, it’s coming. Thankfully I have plenty of sick days from work b/c I know I will be taking off if the kids are sick.
We get a generous package of sick/personal/family illness days but about a month ago New Jersey passed a bill that sick time can be used for other things not just when you, an employee, is unwell. In other words, before I ethically could only use my sick days when I was sick. But now, I can use my sick time to care for the kids, or to meet with their teachers, or to care for a relative, or if their schools are closed. So that is a big win for our union!
Sorry, that was Daria from NJ.
sorry to hear that! I know it's awful to have sick kids at home but this is so normal when they start school or new environment. when the girls went back to school after the pandemic, for 4-5 months, lizzy would get sick every month. I was so worried that her inmune system was permanently damanged. fortunately, it went away. last week she was not feeling well again and stayed home for one day, she fought it off quickly and returned to school the next day.
flu aside, it seems a lovely weekend with an outdoor yoga with a friend? sounds lovely!
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry to hear about the stomach bug!!! I'll never forget the time I was babysitting and one of the kids started throwing up. Oh my gosh, it was AWFUL!!! This was before cell phones so I just had to wait until the parents got home and navigate as best I could. I'm so glad that overall the weekend was good though! The cooler temps are definitely lovely!!! Congratulations to Phil and team on winning the tournament!!! That is awesome you were able to enjoy some yoga! I loved that strength yoga class that we took when I had the opportunity to visit (so many years ago, can you believe it's been NINE years?!?). I appreciate that brewery's often have other options now and not just beer. Although admittedly I do enjoy beer. I've seriously reduced my consumption this year as I've been navigating the weight loss journey.
My weekend not great. A little OK -- a nice dinner with neighbors. But we canceled our trp to Muncie and Sunday Rick went down to see the grands and I just couldn't.
By the way, you are the winner of "On Tyranny." Have you got it yet (not from me, elsewhere.) If you did, I can draw a second or send to you to pass on. Just let me know. In the blog I asked for addresses, but I have yours. Hoping to get it out this week; not sure!
Ugh, vomit is the worst! That's the one bodily fluid I can't do, either. I'm sorry Paul was feeling so crummy, but glad he bounced back rather quickly. Hoping nobody else gets sick!
Glad swimming lessons are still going well, albeit slowly. Whatever it takes to get him comfortable!
Brewery yoga is a great idea-- super cute picture, too.
I can relate to Paul so much... I was scared of the water as a kid and learned to swim kinda late. I am glad he's making progress (and I am glad he was feeling better after the bad night!).
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