Monday, September 11, 2023

Weekend Highs and Lows

We had a fun, full weekend! Here are some highs and lows. The weekend was a bit of a mixed bag. Saturday was great, Sunday was not. 


- On Friday night, we got together with some of Phil’s college friends to celebrate a birthday. It was a beautiful fall night - in the low 70s so about 30 degrees cooler than the previous weekend!

- I ran 4 miles in nice, cool fall temps on sat and sun mornings!

- I was exhausted from a busy and intense week at work plus the rough night of sleep on Friday night so I napped for over an hour on Saturday. It was delightful. 

- We had our annual block party on Saturday afternoon/evening. It’s a great way to see a bunch of our neighbors and reconnect. Taco is continuing to get more comfortable around dogs (NGS, I thought of you as I know you’ve been happy that he’s overcoming his fear of dogs)! He got to give the dog some treats.


- Friday night was not a great night of sleep. Taco must have had a bad dream so required some comforting around 12:30 and then Paul was up for the day at 5:45. Isn’t he supposed to be super tired after his first few days of Kindergarten!? ;)

- I had to write the content for my firm’s fixed income weekly. I usually just pull the data but had to do the writing since our strategist is on vacation. It took me so long as I obsess over what to write, do a lot of research before I can start writing, and I don’t have any expertise in one of the sectors (emerging market debt). I’ll have to write it again in late October. Years ago, I used to write the commentary every Monday but got rid of that task when we merged with a subsidiary - and right around when we shifted to writing it over the weekend so it can go out early on Monday morning. I’m glad I don’t have to write it often! If you want to read it to get a sense of what I do, send me an email or include your email address in the comments (if one isn’t associated with your profile).

- The wheels really fell off on Sunday when we had one of our worst days of parenting in a long time. I am sure it’s the result of all the change in routine for the boys but oof that does not make it any easier. We couldn’t go to the farmer’s market/park since both boys were acting out and then taco refused to nap and was in a horrible, combative mood for the rest of the day. Funnily, on Sunday morning before both kids were up (Paul slept until 6:45, Taco until 7), I was thinking - maybe weekends are returning to being restorative. NOPE. 


- Paul had his first swimming lesson of the fall quarter. Long time readers may recall that he refused to get in the pool for lessons in the summer of 2021 after a prolonged break from lessons during Covid. So we took a long break and waited for him to show more interest in swimming before re-enrolling. The lesson went so so. He got in the pool but wouldn’t do a couple of things. Could have been worse, could have been better. His teacher said he did great considering his intense fear of the water when he’s not wearing a life jacket. I had talked to a manager when we did a trial lesson in August and she said we are at the point where we have to put up with some resistance (read: screaming and crying). He absolutely has to learn to swim so we will just have to power through the resistance. We got macarons at a bakery afterwards to celebrate the start of swimming lessons. 

Not really a thumbs up and a pretty stoic expression. That about sums up the first swimming lesson. 

What were the highs and lows of your weekend?


Mom of Children said...

Last night (Sunday night) was the absolute worst for R's behavior. After bath, he was building a garage with magna tiles, got frustrated, threw two of them at me. So I took them away stating that toys are not be hurt and that those two triangles got upset at him and left for the night b/c they needed a break.
O. M. G. The whole hell broke loose. The tantrum that followed was on indescribable proportions. I was in and out of his room to calm him down or just be with him while he cries because consoling no longer was working. He was on the train and going full speed. I went into L's rom and started crying since I help so helpless in the storm. She was so very compassionate and that made me cry even more.

Anyway, typing this at 5AM so we will see how this morning will go. Hopefully, R will wake up refreshed.
Had to get this off my chest LOL

Elisabeth said...

PARENTING IS HARD! Glad you can celebrate the wins and just so you know - I'm 5+ years further down the line and we still have many days where the wheels fall off! It's life, it's parenting, and it's definitely hard...but then they are absolutely joyous moments. We live for those, but do our best through the rest?

I want to read the commentary!! I still don't really understand what you do, so that would be great.

You know my lows lately - blog, a friend passing, neighbourhood situation. Also, the devestation in Morocco. Some of the stories almost take my breath away, imagining the pain these people are facing.

Highs. Visiting a friend yesterday. Coffee. Getting some organizers at IKEA and spending an hour living my best life getting drawers in tip-top shape. Playing card games with the kids. Supportive friends and family who have just been...incredible...through all the recent trials. I don't think I've ever felt so loved and cared for. My daughter's room. The makeover just makes me so, so happy!

Sarah said...

I want to read what you do-- so fascinating!! I think my email is with my comments :)

Also! ALL OF MY KIDS were terrible this weekend, even the old ones-- the beginning of the school year is no joke, and we just plan on like 3 weeks of rocky waters. Hang in there!

YAY to swim lessons going ok-- this is a huge step.

Nicole said...

Woof, sounds like a rough day. I think the start of school is always a bit tricky, with the new routines and sleep, etc. From what I remember, anyway. It can be exhausting! I hope your week goes much more smoothly than Sunday.
I hope the swimming lessons continue to go on an upward trajectory! Swimming is such an important skill.
Anyway, hugs to you, Lisa. The beginning of the school year is always so hard for little ones.

Jenny said...

Well- I had highs and lows of a different kind. There was a band picnic yesterday for students and families, but my daughter made it clear she did NOT want me to go. She did of course want me to go to the trouble of purchasing drinks and ice, and loading it all into a cooler (she had volunteered "us" to bring drinks) and then yelled at me for doing it wrong. When we got there she went ahead of me, as if we weren't associated in any way. I dragged the heavy cooler to the pavilion, got it set up and then left. Just from doing that, I was drenched in sweat and extremely cranky by the time I got home. BUT THEN. I realized I had the house to myself for the whole afternoon! (My husband was working.) I watched football, I napped, I read... much better than being at a picnic in the sweltering heat. So it actually was a pretty good day!
Anyway... kids are hard. The toddler years are hard, the teenage years are hard. The start of school is hard. I really feel for you- to have such a difficult Sunday and then start the work week! Definitely not a restorative weekend. I hope things settle down when you get a little further into the school year.

NGS said...

Yay for Will petting a dog! He'll get there.

I bet the kids were just exhausted after the first week of school. I mean, I'm exhausted just thinking about new routines and I've had decades more experience than them. I bet it will be better next weekend!

coco said...

I want to read your newsletter. emerging market debt is kind of my research area :) my dissertation was about sovereign default crisis.
sorry to hear the boys are acting out a bit, probably due to change of schedule, so they are also adjusting. hopefully soon they will enjoy the usual routines.

Jeanie said...

Wow -- that is exhausting. Not just with short days but keeping on top of it all. Good for Will -- that's a win! You're right about the swimming but it doesn't mean it will be fun!

Stephany said...

Oh goodness, I'm sorry you had such a rough Sunday with the kiddos. Did they get the Sunday scaries?!

Gosh, those swim lessons sound tough - hopefully things get better and Paul starts enjoying them. I think it's a great idea to have something fun to look forward to afterward! Maybe that will help him power through each lesson. <3

San said...

Uff. I am sorry this was such a challenging weekend. I can imagine that all the change is triggering some anxiety. I hope things settle for all of you soon.

I am glad to hear you were able to get out for a run and that Taco is getting more comfortable around dogs! It's interesting how some kids seem to gravitate towards animals and others are more cautious.

Anne said...

Nothing like a cruddy day to bring you crashing back to earth. :( I imagine the kids - and you! - are all exhausted. Hope things are improving??
And I'd love to know more about what you do - it's so foreign to me! (If you're no longer reading these comments, no worries, but I would be interested...)