I did not get a chance to write a 5 things Friday post last week since I was bogged down with work travel. So here is a 5 things Monday post instead!
1. First things first - After unseasonably warm weather recently, winter reared its head again. We got around 6” of wet, sloppy snow on Friday morning - most of which melted by the end of the day on Friday. Then another system moved in on Sunday. It won’t be around for long as it’ll be in the 40s by Easter. But we’ve had about as much snow in the last 3 days as we did all winter. Welcome to ‘spring’ in Minnesota. The kids were THRILLED. Paul went sledding with a friend and Taco summoned his inner dog and rolled around in/ate the snow. I went down the sledding hill a few times, too, which was super fun.
2. We knew the weather would turn on Sunday, so we made the most of Saturday and were out and about a lot. First, coffee and cake pops at Starbucks, then a stop at the library where we ran into friends and I ran into a client that we just won a huge mutual fund allocation from. After lunch, Paul had a birthday party gathering at a movie theater (Kung Fu Panda 4) - his first movie theater movie ever and my first since 2019! Phil had plans with his high school friends so he took Taco to his friend’s house (Paul and I would have gone if Paul wasn’t invited to a birthday party). After the movie we met up with friends at an indoor golf simulator place that a friend owns and then went to a brewery for dinner afterwards. So basically we did ALL THE THINGS!!
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Cake pops and a latte for mom to start the day! |
3. My work trip last week was for an offsite. It was nice to meet so many people in person for the first time. But wow the days were long - I was out past 10 both nights so when you factor in my bedtime wind-down process, I was up until 11 which is so late for me. I envy people who can just come home, put on pjs and drop off to sleep. Even when I am exhausted I need a transitional period of reading to fall asleep.
4. I usually take Paul to swimming lessons on Sunday afternoon but I felt so tired so asked Phil if he could go so I could lay down when Taco napped. He happily obliged. I napped and it felt so good but I feel like I am digging myself out of a massive pit of exhaustion, probably due to back-to-back weeks of travel and too many long days/late nights last week plus a really full day on Saturday.
5. This is a short week for us since Phil and I both have Friday off for Easter - but the boys have school! This rarely happens so we will enjoy the heck out of it and hopefully go somewhere fun for lunch. I’ll end the day by reading a book to Taco’s classroom which will be really fun.
How was your weekend? Is it springlike where you live?
We have no snow but it has been cold (and SO, SO windy) here in Nova Scotia. I'm so over it and just want spring - actually, summer...I don't love spring - to just come already.
You had such a jam-packed day. Even though it was all fun stuff that is SO exhausting at the end of a busy travel week. I'm glad you got the nap and hope that Friday is a nice breath of rest for you and how wonderful the kids are in school so you and Phil can enjoy a bit of solo time together (it's so hard to get that in the early years).
Lol, Minnesota spring sounds like Calgary spring. My friends back there are in the thick of it, snow, wind, below-freezing temps. On the other hand, it is GORGEOUS here and like an actual spring? It's amazing.
What a busy week you had! All that travel sounds frankly exhausting. ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. That is super late for me as well, and I also need a little wind-down time to prepare for bed.
It started to get really hot here (I think we hit 90 one day last week) but this week it's supposed to cool down a little, with a couple nights down into the 50s- really unusual for us in March, but I'll take it! It's the end of our El Nino winter, which was cooler than normal and I loved it.
How exciting- you and Phil have a day off and the boys have school! I hope you get a chance to really relax- it sounds like you need it. Your trip sounds exhausting!
I am glad that your trip went well and that you got to meet a lot of people face to face! I know those late nights are hard, but I am sure the face time will really pay off in the end. I used to love going to NY to meet people that I had spoken to on the phone for years (this was pre-Zoom/video). I just felt that our relationship was so much better after that.
Our weather has been hit and miss. It was super nice at the beginning of last week, like 70s, and then it rained at the weekend, but not as much as it was supposed to. However, we got over a foot of snow in the mountains and are expecting more this week, which I am not looking forward to, as I may have to ride in the rain on Wednesday and snow this Thursday and Friday...
Staying out until 10 sounds like my typical work trip back in the day. It's a rough life.
We got a lot of snow last week but the weather is finally turning back to spring.
Same here in Southern Alberta. More snow in the past five days than all winter. Not fun, but we desperately need the moisture.
When people ask my why my least favorite season is spring, I will just refer them to the last week. We've had days in the 50s, snow, rain, and a tornado warning. Once it settles down, it will be muddy. I'm over spring. I'd actually like to go back to winter, thank you.
Yay for having Adult Friday Fun! I can't wait to hear what you do with your down time.
I also had a tiring work trip last week Lisa (which I blogged about on my new blog!) so I here you on the late nights and general exhaustion on the weekend. And wow you had a busy (fun! But busy) Saturday so no wonder you needed to rest on Sunday. I also napped with my preschooler, how nice is it that we can still do that. Won’t be for too much longer. That’s fun you got snow one more time before spring really settles in. Here in my part of Australia autumn is here and I’m here for it (the HOT, humid subtropical summers are not my favourite!).
I can't go to sleep right away after being engaged with people other than my family. I need an hour or more to unwind the mind. Last night I hosted a dinner at home, guests left 8:30pm, I couldn't sleep until 9:30 and slept poorly. Now i'm exhausted. I kind of knew that but the gathering was improtant to me so I will just push through it today.
How did you like Kong Fu Panda 4? we were planning to watch it in cinema.
That is a lot of snow, Lisa!
And wow, your days were so late. That sounds exhausting. I'm like you in that I need to unwind after being "on" before I can sleep. I hope you can find a better balance of travel going forward!
Those are some really late nights. I also cannot just fall right asleep, no matter how tired I am. I need to unwind and relax my brain!
What crazy whiplash to go from mild weather to so much SNOW. I'm glad it made the boys happy, though!
I bet its been a while since you've received that much snow at one time! I grew up in Roseville and remember many snowy winters but as an adult I only remember a handful.
Hi Lisa! I am very late, because we were in sunny Florida. I heard that it snowed at home on Friday after we left late Thursday night. Six inches is so much snow. What a weird winter to get so much snow late in the season. I remember when I went down a sledding hill or jumped off a diving board, the kids were wildly entertained. I am a big fan of naps. I know some people say they feel worse after a nap - not me. I'll take a nap, even 15 minutes, any day. We are home and I have to get my butt in gear as I am hosting Easter. It'll be small. Not all of my siblings will be here.
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