Today is an especially happy Friday because we are not working but the boys both have childcare! Woot woot! I am looking forward to a quiet day at home with Phil. Then later today I will read a book to Taco’s classroom which I am excited about - I’m going to read ‘The Circus Ship’ which is one of my favorite picture books! Here is how my week shaped up.
The book I am reading this week is Family Family by Laurie Frankel. This is the 3rd book I have read by this author and I think it will be my 2nd favorite of the ones I’ve read. It had mixed reviews but I am enjoying it. The theme of the book is adoption. Here is a passage I highlighted (which is similar to the kind of passages I loved in ‘This Is How It Always Is.’
“This is what parenting is, India. Solving impossible-to-solve problems while also experiencing deep crises of faith while also being kind of annoyed while also never getting enough rest. These problems only ever go away by changing into different equally impossible problems. This is how it always is for all parents, no matter how you came by your children.”
The high of my week was book club on Wednesday. 9 of us were able to make it and we discussed ‘I Have Some Questions For You.’ The reviews were mixed but we had a great conversation about the book. I had a cauliflower crust GF pizza that was so good, I had to ask if the waitress was sure it was GF!
The low of my week was really nothing in particular. I want to say the snow and cold was the low but the boys have been giddy with excitement over the snow so it’s hard to truly hate it when they love it so much!!
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Taco is a huge fan of shoveling! I mean he’s not effective but it entertained him while I shoveled! |
Um, yup. That parenting quote GOT IT RIGHT.
I'll admit I'm rather thrilled we don't have snow right now. I'm very "over" winter.
I hope you and Phil have an incredible day! It always strikes me as so unusual that Good Friday isn't a "big" deal in the US. Everything is closed/everyone is off here in Canada. When I learned my brother-in-law worked on Good Friday a few years ago I was flabbergasted. Other than gas stations, everything shuts down!
Oooh a day with just you and Phil! BOW CHICKA WOW WOW!
I have Family Family on my list, and I'm only 10th in the queue, so hopefully it will come in soon. I DNFed I Have Some Questions For You. I tried twice!
Happy Easter to you, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hit enter too soon! I meant to say that shoveling wet snow is completely a full body workout! Cardio too!
Have fun today without the kids! Nicole is so naughty, but hey, whatever floats your boat!! In the past month I have tried two GF pizzas; I think both of them were with GF flour (not cauliflower) as far as I could tell and they were both pretty good, but MUCH crispier than a normal crust would be. They were more like a cracker. However, I love pizza and I will take any vessel as long as it has pepperoni on it. My brother has tried a slice of both too and we both agreed that the place where we got it in Santa Barbara was the best of the two (Taffy's, in case you ever go back there).
I am headed up to Oregon this weekend with the girls. K's kids have the week off, but A is on some sort of school trip for the first few days, so it will just be me and K, little L and K's mom, which I would say would be low key, except those three are the energy of the family and so I expect that they will have all kinds of things they want to do. That is fine with me though, as I will have lots of time alone in the coming months and I really have been trying to emphasize time spent together and experiences with people over the last couple of years rather than just spending money on things. So I say bring it on ladies. (However, I will miss A as usually she and I are the quiet, older sibling types who just want to sit around and play cards all day and read).
Where was this magical GF pizza?! I need to know. We always go to Pizza Luce when we're in the Twin Cities and I think their pizzas are to die for, even the GF ones!
I hope you are having the Best Friday Ever!!
I had coffee with a colleague on Friday and she's still dealing with adoption paper work although the boy has been living with her for almost a year. it's insane to have to deal with that kind of stress. I think those families who adopt sooooo brave!!!
we don't celebrate easter here as it's a muslim country. We are starting to pack for Paris!!
Yay for both of you having the day to yourselves! CG workouts are for days when there is no snow to shovel;-)
I hope you and Phil enjoyed your day! A nice way to kick off the Easter weekend.
The quote from the book is so, so true. It's not like you ever "solve" the problems of parenting- they just turn into new and different problems.
I've been doing treadmill workouts where I alternate running with the 3-12-30 workout. I agree that it's boring to just do one thing for 30 minutes.
Happy Easter!
Ohh that parenting quote… So true and filled with feelings. I can so relate. You got snow!! Hope you had a good time going out to lunch! I love how the library is part of your routine- I need to get better with that.
Oh, I am really glad to hear you're loving Family, Family! I have heard mixed reviews. I'm excited to read it now!
Hooray for a day off with Phil with the kids in school. What a nice treat!
Ugh all that snow!!!! I hear you about the kids loving it (although mine are officially past that age- they seem just annoyed as I am about snow being forecasted for tonight and tomorrow...they just want to wear shorts and for it to be warm at this point. Although I'm sure they'd be game for snow day. But otherwise, they seem Team No Snow.). But it's like, come on, it's APRIL.
I hope you had an awesome day off! That sounds so dreamy- a day to just do whatever together, NO kids home!!
Your bookclub night out sounds so fun. I'm not in a bookclub- well, I was sort of in my work's bookclub but it was a little so-so in my opinion (in regards to the type of people that were in it and some of the wasn't bad, just sort of...not that fun, either. It almost felt like a school discussion group sometimes! I think I would enjoy a bookclub with friends my age, but this was a lot of older women, and while that's fine, it just was sort of meh?)
I'm sorry I missed so many posts. I really need to update my feed on my blog so I know when people have posted things. The day off sounds so delightful and relaxing. I'm trying to imagine it, yeah- I can't. ;) Coach never takes days off. Our closet shelving in the study collapsed right before Christmas and it is now April and still untouched. I think it's gonna take a day off and a whole plan to rebuild/reconstruct shelving, etc. It doesn't seem to be high on Coach's priority list. We are quite busy and heading into Curly's travel ball season. Coach also teaches on some weekends.
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