Weiner chose the countries he visited based on a 'happiness index' created by a research department of a university in Amsterdam. They tried to scientifically assign a happiness index to each country, which seems pretty difficult. Anyways, Weiner decided to visit countries with the highest and lowest indexes values. Won't go into detail about all of the countries, but here are a couple of countries that were interesting to me:
Bhutan: I studied Bhutan when I was taking some courses in the International Education department at the University of MN, so was familiar with their national policies. Instead of focusing on GNP or GDP, Bhutan's leaders instead focus on "GNH - Gross National Happiness". When making decisions, they evaluate whether the decision will make the Nation more or less happy. It's all a bit touchy feely for me - nice idea in principle but seems pretty inapplicable when you have a diverse population. It's hard to make decisions that make everyone happy - someone always seems to get the short end of the stick. But it works for Bhutan. The people of this nation are pretty poor in general but seem to be rather content/happy with what they have... (which seems to be a trend for countries that have less than Americans?? Feel free to disagree...)
While we are on the subject of what America has compared to other countries, it's a good time to look at how that has benefited society. We have lots of luxuries and most of us have life pretty good. There is definitely a sector of our population for which life is a struggle, but in general, we're doing pretty good. However, Weiner cites a study by a psychologist that compares the state of society today to the state we experienced in the 1960s; since then, the divorce rate has doubled, the teen-suicide rate tripled, the violet-crime rate quadrupled, and the prison population quintupled. Hmmm... so obviously being more well-off financially hasn't bettered life for our country...
Iceland: It surprised me that Iceland ranked high on the Happiness scale. Not that there is anything wrong with that country, but again, similar to Switzerland, it doesn't really strike me as the Mecca of happiness. Plus, they spend a good chunk of the year in complete darkness, 24/7. (Interestingly enough, no one there suffers from SAD. I guess their bodies adjust to the fact that they don't see light during the winter!) Apparently in Iceland, failing at something is completely accepted and almost expected of you. That means you are stretching and trying new things. Failing is also acceptable in the US, but in general, there has to be a happy ending and the failure has to serve some purpose in helping you succeed down the road - this is not the case in Iceland allegedly.

Bottom line, Weiner came up with the following statement about happiness: 'Money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.'
All pretty obvious things, but all very true. I give this book 3 stars out of 5. Unless you are super interested in happiness studies, it's probably not worth the read. If it's something you are interested in, feel free to borrow it from me!