It was another hot, steamy weekend here in Minneapolis. I don't know how I went from living in the Midwest to living in Florida??? Seriously, it's been so hot and humid here this summer - the hottest, most humid summer I can recall, and of course that coincides with me being pregnant. So I am definitely dreaming about cooler fall temps!! I mean I usually love summer, but it's been too hot many days for us to go outside after nap time due to the heat index! But despite all that, we still had a good weekend.
Friday afternoon got off to a rough start as Paul got sent home from daycare for constipation. They would normally keep him for an issue like that, but he was crying and screaming. He's always struggled w/ constipation since getting off breast milk, but we thought it was getting better so hadn't been giving him miralax daily (which is what his doctor recommended we do). So Phil picked him up after lunch. Luckily he napped for over 2 hours so we were both able to work. And the constipation resolved after nap time (TMI? Sorry!), but not without a lot of tears and screaming from Paul. :( Poor little guy.
On Friday night, I finally got around to opening a package that came in the mail earlier this week from my friend Erin in PA. We've been very lucky to be on the receiving end of some awesome hand-me-downs. She sent me 2 pairs of swishy track pants and a really cute fleece vest. The vest will fit this fall and maybe Paul will grow into the 2T pants by the spring? We'll see (he's currently mostly in 18m bottoms). She also sent him an "indestructible" book called "Things That Go" which was of course a HUGE hit for Paul since he's obsessed with anything with wheels. The book ended up having to go on "time-out" on Saturday afternoon, though (that's what we do with toys he isn't playing nicely with). When we facetimed my parents on Saturday morning, I explained how the book was indestructible. Apparently, Paul figured out what that meant so was trying to fold it or roll it up to look through it, etc. Whoops. Phil said I should not have went on about how cool this indestructible book was (it's also washable) as Paul doesn't need to know that! Lesson learned. But seriously, the book is really cool and I will add more to our collection when the baby starts getting into books. And yes, Paul is not wearing pants in the photos below. Pants are pretty optional for him at home.

That night we grilled turkey burgers and had corn on the cob and green beans from my garden. Yum!
On Saturday morning, I headed over to my friend Courtney's house for a play date. Phil's cousin was coming over to work on projects with Phil so I knew it would be best for us to be out of the house. We were over there for 3 hours. Some other kids from daycare were there so there were 6 kids total. I will say that Paul does not play super well with the other kids at these play dates. There are 2 sets of siblings who live 1 house apart so they play together a ton, and then the other little boy who came over is in the same class at one of the kids. So Paul doesn't know any of them super well since they aren't in his same class. And they are a little more rambunctious/adventurous that Paul so he likes to watch them play. Paul is extremely cautious so things like a bouncy house scare him. But he still has a great time playing with different toys and it's so good for me to get some adult conversation in while watching him. In the next month or so, Paul will be in the same classroom as 2 of the 5 kids that were there on Saturday so maybe at that point he'll play better? We'll see. He is a very very social kid at school so I'm telling myself not to worry about him being more of a loner at these play dates.

It got hotter as the day progressed on Saturday so we did not go outside after nap. Womp womp. So I was very happy when bedtime rolled around! Despite the heat and humidity, I made turkey wild rice soup with the leftover turkey from the weekend before. It was so good - I just needed a fan blowing on me while I ate it. ;)
On Sunday morning, we met a friend and her son at a local park for a play date. Our boys are 3 days apart, but you'd never guess it by looking at them as her son is 40 lbs and probably has 4-5" on Paul! It was kind of comical to see them together as her son looks like a kindergartner! The park was a little busier than I'd like and I feel like the parents were not watching their kids well, which was annoying. Like Paul start to go down a slide and another kid would start to climb up the slide, so I'd have to tell the older kid to give Paul a chance to come down first. So I tried to steer Paul towards quieter areas of the park. He loved the park so was very sad when we left, but we'd been there for over 1.5 hours and it was so hot/humid.

When we got home, we had a egg bake that I'd assembled that morning that had broccoli, ground sausage and red peppers from my garden. It was really good! Paul went down for a nap and I took a solid nap, too, as I had been up for about 2 hours during the night thanks to pregnancy insomnia! While I napped, Phil raked up acorns and mowed our lawn. I was not envious of his outdoor work in the heat!!
It was too hot to go outside after nap so we stayed inside for the rest of the day. I'm really glad we have a finished basement - we have a basketball hoop and train table down there. On days when we are cooped up inside, we end up spending a lot of time down there!
So all in all, it was a good weekend. I had a lot of solo time with Paul since Phil was busy with house projects on Saturday and grocery shopped and swam while we were at the park on Sunday. I told him at the end of the weekend that I was mentally fatigued but knew he was physically fatigued. Hopefully next weekend I'll have less solo time with Paul as it can really wear me out since he has soooo much energy!
How was your weekend? Is it hot and humid where you are? Are you dreaming of fall like I am?