Happy Friday from the land of hot, humid, Florida-like temps. We are in the midst of a horrible stretch of hot weather - like too hot to be outside. Minnesotans live for our summers since we put up with awful weather in the winter so this is just depressing! So I don't have anything positive to say about the weather but hopefully this passes soon!
The book I'm reading is The Last Exiles by Ann Shin. This is a fiction novel set in North Korea. It's in the Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide. Her picks are almost always a hit so I think it will be good! I'm also reading The Positive Enneagram by Susan Rhodes. This is our June book club book. One of our members is friends with a therapist who is an enneagram expert so she is going to join our book club discussion. I think the enneagram is FASCINATING so am looking forward to that discussion! And lastly, I'm also reading How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Faber and Julie King. It's RARE for me to have 3 books going, but I'm reading about a chapter/day of the 2 non-fiction books so it's manageable.
The high of my week was getting together with my first time mama group at a brewery! We hadn't seen each other since last fall when we met at a park. It was great to catch up and talk about our kiddos while sipping a cool beverage (I had a delicious mojito hard seltzer!). 5 of us the 8 of us were able to make it. We are hoping to get together again soon with our kiddos. 7 of us still live in the Twin Cities area so if we all make it, there would be 14 kids as we've all had 2 kids!
The low of my week was dealing with MORE sickness. Will had high fevers over the weekend but I assumed it was a reaction to his 6 month vaccines that he got on Friday. I thought it was odd that he had such high fevers (102-103) after barely reacting to the 2m and 4m shots. Plus he got one less shot at 6m. Then on Tuesday we got a call from daycare saying he had broke out in this rash. I got an appointment to take him in that afternoon but also uploaded the photos to MyChart and sent them to his pediatrician. Within an hour, she called me to say this was textbook roseola which is a very common virus that most kids get by the time they turn 2. By the time they get this rash, they are no longer contagious or sick. He was in great spirits that day but oof he looked rough as it was also on his face. You guys, I can't handle any more sickness in our house! But Paul started to sound congested again on Wednesday so I fear he is getting another cold! We've had 3 bad ones since mid-April. Sob.
Real life: do you see those dark circles under my eyes? I am exhausted and in dire need of a good night of sleep. |
A recipe I made was shrimp tacos using this recipe. I intended to grill the shrimp, onions and peppers in a grill basket on the grill but it was 95 degrees and humid the night I planned to make this and I could not handle standing in front of a hot grill. So I sautéed them on the stove top.
A show we are watching is Shrill on Hulu. I'm kind of surprised Phil likes this as it's very female-centric but it's something we are both enjoying. I also watched the latest season of Master of None on Netflix. Phil and I watched the first 2 seasons but he wasn't interested in this one as it's very very female-centric and deals with things like fertility and IVF. But I really enjoyed it.
For workouts I have been going for walks and doing 21 day fix workouts. It is so gd hot here right now and doesn't cool off overnight. So it's 75-80 degrees and humid when we wake up and it's just too unpleasant for me to go out and run in that kind of weather. If I could get up and run at 6am, I could probably go for runs, but it doesn't work to do that in this stage of life with me breastfeeding Will. So I am just taking a little break from running until the temps normalize. We have had temps in the 95+ range and it was even 100 last weekend which is NOT TYPICAL for June in Minnesota. I'm sure there are runners who would still run in this kind of weather but it's not worth it for me.
The best money spent was on seltzer and fries at the brewery! I hadn't had fries in so long as that is something I never order for take out since they tend to get soggy fast. Those crisp salty fries sure tasted amazing!!
My plans this weekend include laying low tonight. Tomorrow morning my aunt and uncle are coming over to meet Will! This is the aunt and uncle that we are super close to but we have not seen them since before the pandemic. I have referred to them as my "St. Paul parents" and my aunt is my "Julia Child aunt." Although we have not done a Julia Child night since I had Paul - not sure when we will pick that tradition back up (it's really labor-intensive so tough for my current stage of life). On Sunday morning, Paul has his first swimming lesson of the season. I'm planning to take him and hope it goes well! Then on Sunday afternoon, Phil's aunt and cousins are coming over to meet Will. We are grilling brats and will have some salads and beans and such - so a low key bbq. It's going to be HOT again so I don't know how much time we will spend outside. I'm glad our backyard is shaded in the afternoon so we have that as an option for those who can handle the heat.
Bonus Paul and Will photos!
Practicing wearing his swim goggles! We'll see if he keeps these on during lessons... |
Working on tummy time! |
Our smiley guy! |
Brother love |
How was your week? Is it super hot and humid where you are? I love summer but this is INTENSE.