Ok, I know I was just talking about fall, but it feels like Christmas around here with the snow we've been getting lately! My best friend Brooke starts listening to Christmas music after Halloween has passed! I don't start singing Christmas Carols that early, but the holidays are definitely on my mind - especially my wish list. After all, my mom has 5 kids, 4 daughters/sons-in-law, and 4 grandchildren to shop for, so I try to give her some specific ideas to make it as easy as possible for her!
How fabulous are these books? They are definitely going on my wish list!

Collection of books spotted here, available for purchase here.
I will be the first to admit that I don't read enough of the classics - which is why I read Anna Karenina this summer. My goal is to read a couple of classics every year. So if a couple of these found their way into my stocking on Christmas Morning, I'd be pleased as punch.
I know I have alot of books and sometimes I think I need to stop buying books because I am running out of room in my teeny tiny condo.
But then my cousin Suzanne sends me a photo like this..
And I don't feel so bad about this book buying addiction that I have...
What is your favorite classic book?
I LOVE Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby! I agree with you, I know I need to read more classics. There are plenty that I haven't read yet that I kind of felt like I should have been assigned in school and wasn't.
Considering so many classics were forced upon me during high school, I've yet to develop an enjoyment for them. I did read Pride and Prejudice for fun and loved it.
I was actually looking at my list of books to read before the end of the year and realized there are a decent number of classics on there (The Bell Jar, a Jane Austen novel, Anna Karenina, etc).
My alllll time favorite is The Great Gatsby. I have such a soft spot in my heart for Fitzgerald's writing.
So I have sort of a confession -- I was an English major in college and I there aren't a whole lot of classics (and I've read several of them) that I really, truly enjoy. However, Gone With the Wind is the one classic that I can read over and over anytime. And I agree, there is no such thing as too many books.
I love these books too! I saw them in a magazine and thought to myself "One day!" lol! I'm jealous that you already have snow! I think I start listening to Christmas music when it starts to snow (and post-Halloween of course!). I think that this year I'm going to put my Christmas tree early because I always go to Geneva so I don't get to enjoy it much...
Anyways, my favorite classic would have to be Jane Eyre I think. We studied it in English class and I just loved all the symbolism and I don't know... I just loved it!
Oh my gosh snow! I can't even imagine. It has been in the 80s and 90s here. I went to a pumpkin patch Saturday in a sundress and was sweating.
I love those books! What a great collection to have!
I remember reading "Gone With The Wind" when I was young and being completely captured by the story. When I saw the movie, I was so disappointed because that was not how I had Scarlet pictured in my mind!
Oooh, I bought the Cranford book! (but haven't read it yet). I loved the way the books looked. I love Austen, especially "Pride and Prejudice" and "Persuasion." But I have a special place in my heart for "Jane Eyre." It was one of the first classics I read where I realized, I REALLY like this (and not just because I want to be well-read, etc etc...because previously that was a bit of a factor)
My favorite classic book? That's a tough one! I'd have to go with Romeo & Juliet if we can consider that a classic. Or anything by Ernest Hemingway =)
The little house on the prarie collection, that counts right?!
I love these books!! I want to have all my books re-bound in this style :)
Catcher in the Rye is my favourite book of all time. I always read it a few times a year and never get bored of it, no matter how many times it is read.
A must-read, if you haven't!
Love Les Miserables! I agree, there's no such thing as too many books. Although I did just clean out by book shelf because they were exploding all over the living room. But it's only a matter of time before they fill up again!
Snow is gross.
There is no such thing as too many books, ask my husband, I've told him often enough. My favourite classics that haven't been mentioned (good choices other commenters!) are Vanity Fair, Sense and Sensibility, Rebecca, Wuthering Heights and The Grapes of Wrath. I can't narrow it down any more than that, and I'm not counting poetry.
I was one of those people at school who was mocked for reading constantly, so I've read alot of the classics.
Hmmm. Probably Little Women. I hate to admit that I haven't really read a lot of classics. Once I'm done school I plan on starting to READ more, though!
probably Little Women or the entire Anne of Green Gables ... we should try to pick a classic to read for November!
Madame Bovary! Definitely one of the best books I've ever read.
Christmas music is tempting me as well. I avoid breaking the after thanksgiving rule by buying a few more halloween decorations than a 25 year old single lady with no children should own. wait maybe this is why i'm a single lady! anyways. My favorite classic is the awakening. If thats a classic... Otherwise i'd have to say to kill a mockingbird!! I need to get my butt reading things more interesting than "Rashes of the newborn"
I was just reading your "honest" post below about what people do not know about you- I am TOTALLY the same way when talking on the phone. I've been doing it since I was little. I can still remember trying to step only on the white tiles in my bathroom as a kid haha.
Oh I love those covers. Thank you for sharing. I'm in the same boat, I am just plain running out of room. But I can't stop. Nor do I want to stop buying books.
I have a bunch of favorites. I think my all time favorite are Persuasion and Jane Eyre.
But how can I leave P&P off the list. And Like Mandy, I love Gone with the Wind. I'm not a big Dickens or Hardy fan. But I do love a good Faulkner and Hemingway. With some of my all time favorite books being The Sun Also Rises and The Sound and the Fury.
I haven't read very many classic books, at least not very many that weren't for school that I enjoyed reading. The only thing I can think of is that I read Les Miserables in high school, and really enjoyed it.
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