Monday, August 14, 2023

Back to normal

I had Friday off so had a very gentle return to normalcy. I came back from my trip really invigorated and refreshed so I decided to use a chunk of Friday to go through things I had set aside to donate to goodwill. It felt so good to get rid of things! We passed on a big box of clothes to some other families at daycare, too. We have benefited from a lot of hand me downs so it is nice to pay it forward! A big storm moved through on Friday night - we all marveled at the beautiful rainbow that came after the storm! 

Saturday morning was my usual routine of my run, followed by the library and gymnastics. When I was talking about my weekends with my friend Amber, she commented on how much of a weekend routine we have. I can’t imagine it any other way, though! As I’ve mentioned before, we do divide and conquer quite a bit but we are out of the house 10 or more hours/day when we are in the office so that requires us to kind of time block/divide and conquer during our weekend to get the stuff of life done. And, for me, it’s easier to divide and conquer when we have some set plans for part of the weekend day. 

On Saturday afternoon, we had my annual lake get together with my college friends. My friend’s FIL lives on a lake in the area (Lake Minnetonka) and he graciously hosts all of our families each summer! There was a lake and sand toys and such but my boys were most interested in rolling down the hill and blowing bubbles for my friend’s dog and then running away as he tried to eat the bubbles. They thought this was HILARIOUS. But I was happy to see that my kids are warming up to dogs. They used to be terrified of dogs but have really made progress on getting comfortable around dogs!

All that fresh air meant the boys slept in until almost 7 on Sunday!!! I slept until 6:50 which felt so good! I enjoyed some cooler temps on my run that morning. 

It was a beautiful, calm morning!

Then Paul and I hit up Target for school supplies which I was WAY MORE excited about. But he did enjoy the one-on-one time! He just doesn’t quite understand the allure of new pencils and such. He did get excited to pick out a pencil box, though.

Then it was off to a lunch-time party for a friend in the neighborhood who was turning 5. Paul enjoyed the bounce house and Taco enjoyed the snacks. He did not enjoy having his picture taken!

So. Much. Sass. 

And wonder of wonders, Taco took a 2+ hour nap when we got home! I napped, too. I didn’t sleep all that well on vacation so my body must be catching up. 

It rained on and off for the rest of the day so we laid low. I made picadillo for dinner and assembled some Greek ground turkey burgers that we will grill tonight. 

We have a bit of a weird week coming up. Phil leaves for his guys golf trip on Thursday and Paul has a minor surgery to remove his ear tubes which have been in for almost 5 years - it’s basically an ear cleaning while he is gently put under. He would not tolerate the ENT NP using tweezers to get them out of his ears (they are stuck in a bunch of wax in his ear canal). It’s not ideal to go into the OR but so it goes! They have to come out or they will start causing problems. It was the only date that would work for us this month so my mom is coming on Thursday so she can watch Taco on Friday when we are at Paul’s procedure. Friday is also Phil’s birthday! We will belatedly celebrate when he is back.  I know he is excited for some golf and time with his college friends! 

Speaking of birthdays, today is my mom’s 75th!! Happy birthday to my mom! I really hope I look this good at 75!!

I probably have more gray hair at age 42 than my mom does at 75!! Oh to be a blond - they seem to age extra well!

How was your weekend?


coco said...

happy birthday to your mom, she looks so happy in this pic!
good luck with the operation. I think it's hard to ask a kid to stay still when someone is inserting things into his ears. When Sofia was 4, she put rocks into her ears playing. We had to go to an ENT, 2 nurses and myself to hold her while the doctor took out the small rocks one by one. It was quite dramatic.

Elisabeth said...

Happy Birthday to your mom, indeed! She looks incredible. My mom is also a blonde and has almost no gray hair at all!

It sounds like a great weekend, especially the extra sleep for everyone. I always feel tired when I come back from vacation; something about travel, too, really wears me out (like driving or flying - all that time confined to a small space/sitting?). A lake/beach day sounds great. We also had a beach day and while I'm going to have sand on my floors for the next two months, it was totally worth it. I just loved the family time, the weather was glorious and there is something about the sand and sound of the waves that just chills my kids out like nothing else. They were both so happy the whole time.

All the best with the ear procedure. None of my kids have had tubes, but my cousin and niece did and I'm so glad this option exists to help offset so many issues that seem to plague kids and ears! I bet Paul will do great and I'm so glad your mom can come to support you <3 I know Will adores her, so it should be a win-win.

NGS said...

Good luck with getting those ear tubes out! It's always so nerve wracking with medical procedures, isn't it?

I was so happy to see photos of your boys hanging out with the dog! We've talked about how they aren't really dog kids, but maybe they've really turned a corner. Yay!

Nicole said...

Good luck with the ear tube thing! I hope it all goes smoothly.
What a lovely thing, to be hosted for an annual lake get together! How fun is that. Also fun, a napping toddler! I'm glad your kids are warming up to dogs, they are such great animals. AM I BIASED? Yes.

Jeanie said...

Happy birthday to you mom and welcome home! I loved having an extra day before going to work and it sounds like you made the most of it! All good wishes for your weird week to bring no unexpected weirdness with it!

Jenny said...

Your Sunday sounds nice! Sleeping in, a run in cooler temps (I'm so jealous), school supply shopping- which I know you were looking forward to- and a nap! What a nice way to ease into reality after your trip.
Happy Birthday to your mom! And good luck with Paul's procedure... It sounds very straightforward, but it does throw a kink into your week. I hope everything goes smoothly!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Happy birthday to your Mom!

I never take an extra day off after a vacation, although it would probably be a good idea sometimes. I flew back from Alaska and our flight was delayed and I got home around midnight, then got up at 3:45 the next morning. I felt hungover; I was so tired! I can imagine that also is compounded by children and having that day to yourself must also be doubly nice!

I went for a nice solo hike this weekend; the snow is almost gone and the weather was really temperate, about 55 - 75, although I did get rained on, it was not cold. It was nice to get out alone and be with my thoughts a bit. I think I got a bit too...what did you guys call it...touched out...during my week in Alaska.

Anonymous said...

After 3 days straight talking to you, it feels so strange to not be in constant contact with you! The lake house looks gorgeous, so glad you guys had a good visit there. Hope Phil enjoys his golf weekend and happy birthday to your mom!

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

Happy birthday to your mom! And to Phil! I love your divide and conquer strategy, and how it also allows for you to take time for yourselves. Travel has always been really important for my mom and she took a lot of trips when I was growing up. It surprised me how many people thought it was odd -- or even scandalous -- that she would travel without her spouse... but it wasn't an interest or a priority for my dad. I think it's so great that you and Phil support one another's trips and time with friends.

Good luck to you and Paul with the procedure! I hope it is smooth and painless for you both!

Stephany said...

Happy birthday to your mom! Your family has some good, good genes. :)

I love taking an extra day off when I come back from vacation just to get my life in order. Like you said, it's a gentle return to normalcy!

I hope Paul's procedure goes well!

Diane C. said...

hah! My kids would definitely have also spent the majority of the time rolling down the hill!

Mom of Children said...

Happy birthday to mom!! She looks wonderful! Many more years of health and happiness to her. My weekend as spent recuperating from my Poland trip- the time difference is no joke! The first morning (night?) I was up at 2:30AM, then 3:30, then 5 (yay!).
Saturday... Hiking in he morning, then T's family visited from Mass., then I was invited to a Russian-speaking dinner with seven ladies (my neighbor organized).
Sunday we spent 5 hours at the beach!!

San said...

Happy birthday to your mom. She looks great! :) And I am glad she's able to come and help you out when Paul is having surgery. It's nice that your parents are close enough and able to help!

The get together with your friends sounds great too. I sometimes wish we had a bigger circle of friends close by!

Anne said...

Your mom looks fantastic for 75 - and so happy. :)
I'm glad you had a relatively smooth transition back to "real life". Makes it so much easier to come back from vacation!

Charbelle said...

I think when your kids thrive on a schedule a weekend schedule helps you make it through! I stay so busy on weekends I think it's another reason why I love summer so much, I get to spend time at the lake and when I am there life slows way down for me and I get downtime. I am so glad that the boys are becoming more comfortable around dogs!!! I hope your Mom had a wonderful birthday!!!