Friday, October 6, 2023

Comment Woes/3 Things Friday

Happy Friday! It's a chilly fall day here. We went from hot and steamy to chilly with no transition in between. I am hoping we'll warm back up a bit. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I prefer 50s to 80s in October but if I was dictating the weather, I'd ask for highers in the 60s/70s. But Minnesota really loves to keep us on our toes. Here are 3 things on my mind.

1. First things first. COMMENTING ON BLOGGER BLOGS FROM AN APPLE PHONE HAS BEEN AWFUL for months. I do most of my blog reading on my phone (and I also write most of my posts on my phone, too). But I cannot for the life of me comment on blogger blogs from my phone, even through Chrome, even with a google profile. I have researched solutions. Nothing. Works. This seems to be an apple phone issue. Maybe it's google's way to tempt people to switch to an Android but I'm #teamappleforlife. So I am trying a new Discus plug-in as a workaround for this issue. My other option is moving my blog over to Wordpress and thinking about that overwhelms me. So here's hoping Discus works. But just a heads up to all of you - the commenting form will look a bit different while I try this out!

2. Lately I've had some moment with Taco that makes me think - gosh he's kind of getting bigger/less toddlerish? Like last night when we played "My First Orchard Game" and he was totally cooperative and compliant (like no throwing of the game parts around like a young toddler might otherwise). Although Hi-Ho Cherrio was a bridge too far but I hate that never-ending game anyways so wasn't sad that he wasn't ready for it. Or this morning when he picked out his bib (which he wears by choice - I'd be happy to get rid of our bibs) and he said, "actually, I want the blue bib." Something about a toddler using the word actually kind of made me giggle. We are not out of the weeds of toddlerhood but I'm seeing some lights at the end of the tunnel. 

3. We have a nice weekend on deck. Tonight Phil and I will do our Q3 financial review. So exciting right? ;) But it's a good way to touch base on our investment balances and what we might want to do in the next quarter. We also discuss charitable contribution plans. On Saturday morning I will run and then the boys and I will go to a family event at Paul's school while Phil grocery shops. We might hit up the library that afternoon since it will be a bit chilly so that would be a good indoor activity. Sunday I'll run again, Paul has swimming in the afternoon and then we have a post-nap play date with Will's favorite classmate from his old daycare. 

Please let me know if this new comment form works or if it's just as bad as the previous blogger issue. What's on deck for you this weekend?

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