Friday, February 2, 2024

5 Things Friday

Hey hey, it's Friday! This has been the longest shortest week with time zone adjustments and such so I'm feeling a bit out of sorts and very behind on life (hence my spotty comments on blogs this week). But here's 5 things on my mind. 

1. I flew to LA on Monday to attend my company's global sales conference. I talked to my mentor while I was waiting to board my flight and he told me that I needed to stay out as late as possible as this was the best opportunity to network. So that looked like staying out until 12PST on Monday (so 2 am CST which is the latest I have stayed up in, um, 10+ years??) and 10PST on Tuesday (12am CST). I got a bit teased for calling it a night at 10 on Tuesday but our days start at 7:30 and I was so completely talked out at this point and felt like I'd been extra fun on Monday night. I mean I am usually in bed with the lights out at 9:30 CST and by usually I mean like every night. I'm proud of myself for socializing as much as I did. I met a ton of people for the first time that I had only communicated with over the phone or zoom so it was a really effective use of my time. I was just so very tired by the end! 

2. The meetings were at this very nice resort just south of LA. It's kind of cruel to be in such a beautiful location and have virtually no time to enjoy the surroundings. But I did manage to squeeze a run in before flying out on Wednesday. I can't believe that people actually live here and wake up to this every single day! When we had breaks during the day, I tried to spend them on the patio so I could soak up some vitamin D and stare at the ocean.

The view from my run on Wednesday am.

3. I guess it's February now? Dang January flew by but I am not sad! I do not love winter in the Midwest so the faster the weeks go, the better. We have gotten off so incredibly easily, though. We had one cold spell in mid-January but it was 50 on Wednesday and will be in the upper 30s to 40s for the next couple of weeks which is just not normal. Hello, global warming. So I'm glad January is over and I'll be glad to have February behind me since it's another month I don't love (even though I have a February birthday). 

4. Paul and I started a new chapter book last week - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I was so excited to read it to him as I loved this book as a child. But so far his interest is kind of tepid? I'm hoping that as we get into the story he'll enjoy it more. And I told him we can watch one of the movie adaptations after we finish it. Of course he wanted to skip right to the movie! I tried to explain that is a cardinal sin in my book but 5 year olds be 5 year olds...

5. I'm probably jinxing myself by typing this out, but Phil and I are going on our first date in ages tomorrow night. We haven't had a babysitter since Feb 2020 so please send us all of your good vibes that my kids do ok. I have no qualms about the babysitter as she works at a daycare so she's as qualified as they come - and she babysat for Paul several times pre-covid. But I fear Taco will refuse to go to bed for her. Hopefully it goes better than I think it might! I'm really excited for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (112 Eatery). 

How was your week? 

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