Friday, June 14, 2024

5 Things Friday + First Infusion

Happy Friday! Here are 5 things on my mind today, including a check-in on how my first infusion went.

1. First off, thank you for all the thoughtful comments on my post about feeling joy! You all left so many insightful comments that really made me think.

2. I had my first IV infusion yesterday and all-in-all it went quite well. I'm used to getting IVs when I've been fasting for a surgery but getting an IV when you are hydrated is so much better (it's taken up to 3 attempts to place an IV before surgeries but this was easy peasy). I felt sleepy during the infusion which is apparently a common side effect but felt good otherwise. So overall I would say it was pretty easy aside from the hassle of being at the clinic for 2+ hours. I get my next one in early July.

3. Today is Paul's last day of school. He had a really wonderful first year of school and is sad that the school year is coming to an end. He has grown and changed so much in this first year. He started the year being able to read on his own on a very basic level and now I would say he's pretty much completely literate. He will struggle with bigger words but he can read books on his own now which is cute to see. Bedtime has become a bit of a struggle lately because he wants to keep reading his Dog Man books. It's kind of a good problem to have because it's great to see his love for reading flourish but he also needs to go to bed at a certain time so that mornings aren't too much of a slog... 

4. I had a really great trip to NYC. I landed Monday afternoon, worked in the office for a few hours and then was able to go for a run in Central Park! It's rare for me to get a run in while traveling as it can be tough to fit in before work so I was glad I had Monday night free. 

5. We have a gathering with my college friends tonight that I'm really looking forward to. Our husbands/kids are joining us so I am hoping Taco/Paul are entertained by the older kids so we can catch up with the adults but we'll see... It looks like it will be a beautiful summer-like evening so I am really looking forward to it. Besides that we don’t have much planned for the weekend but I am sure we will be outside quite a bit as the weather forecast looks pretty good! It’s Father’s Day on Sunday obviously but we are pretty low key - my gift is encouraging Phil to take golf or find another way to make time for himself.

How was your week?


Sarah said...

What a lovely, happy post. Dorothy and Cooper both loved Dog Man and Cat Kid so so so much. I miss those books and pre-ordering the next one in the series (I still order Wimpy Kid, but mostly for nostalgia.) They also really liked Catstronauts if Paul is looking for another series and Narwhal and Jelly (but those may be too simple?)

Nicole said...

Oh, I'm so glad you got your infusion - may it work wonders, and fast!
I am trying to remember what my kids liked - Geronimo Stilton, although I think they were a bit older when they liked that.

Jenny said...

Yay for a run in Central Park! And yay for your first infusion (and a nice nap during- that doesn't sound too bad.) I hope it works quickly (but am not sure if that's expected? How long does it take?)
That's so cute about Paul. I used to stay up way too late reading- I didn't even use a flashlight or anything, I just picked up my book and read in the dark. There must have been SOME light shining in from somewhere, but also- wow, my young eyes were strong! I do have to say mornings kind of sucked though. It was very hard for me to get up, so there's a downside for sure.
I hope you guys have an awesome weekend!

Elisabeth said...

My son is VERY in to Cat Kid right now (and has read and re-read ALL THE DOGMAN books). He thinks they are hilarious.

Love that Paul is so in to reading and have to chuckle a bit at how these great traits come with tradeoffs (like reading late and then having a hard time getting up in the money - as I raise my hand guiltily!)

That run looks amazing. The energy of NYC is like nothing else and while I've never run through Central Park, one of my weird life goals is to life there for at least 6 months at some point so that I really get to know the area and make it feel like a temporary home. I'd love to be someone - who at least for a while - went to Central Park every single day. Doesn't that sound AMAZING?

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

Oh yay! What a great week, Lisa! So glad your trip to NYC went well and that you got your infusion! I hope it kicks in quickly and works exactly as it's supposed to.

Love that Paul is so into reading. How cute! It took my daughter a few years to get into it, and it's such a joy for me to see her find pleasure in books. Hope you have a great weekend!

Coco said...

what a great week! I love running in Central Park, so nice and cool and many runners. great that you got that time for you during work trip.
glad to hear the IV infusion went well, hopefully it helps to manage your pain.
college reunion sounds fun! I haven't met with my college friends for a long time! don't even know where they are.

Stephany said...

Yay for your infusion appointment! I hope it starts working quickly for you. I finally see my derm next week to figure out my psoriasis issue and I couldn't be MORE excited about it, lol. I am so tired of being itchy!

I used to be the kid who would stay awake reading under my covers, so I relate to Paul! I love that he loves reading so much.

Melissa said...

I'm glad you finally got your transfusion and hope that it brings some relief for you. We joined a shake-out run the weekend of the New York Marathon in Central Park and it was certainly a little thrill for us.

San said...

I am excited you got your first infusion and all went well. I really hope this will make a difference for you!

And what a great time in NYC! I am so glad you had some downtime and got a run it at Central Parc. Amazing!

J said...

I love that Paul is so into reading. Personally, I would not try to put any limits on it, just say, "if you can get up without me having to help you, go for it." That's a big if, but maybe if he's old enough to read, he's old enough to figure it out.

I've not had an infusion, though I have RA. I really, really hope that it helps you. This condition SUCKS.

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad that the infusion went well and I hope by now you are beginning to see some of the benefits from it. I don't know how long it takes to kick in. Carson is reading Dog Man now, too and he loves them!

Mom of Children said...

Thanks for the update, friend! I was thinking about the infusion and glad to hear it went okay and you didn't have to fast. L is also very much into reading- Star Friends. A book about four girls who makes frieds with animals and start doing magic.

Ernie said...

I'm glad the infusion went well, but dang - two hours is a lengthy time to be there. I hope you feel the benefits.

Mini just admitted in the last few years that she used to stay up late reading in bed and would read an entire Series of Unfortunate Events books during the night. What? How did I not know this?

I love that you and your college friends still get together and are including husbands and kids. Most of my college friends are out of state.

Anne said...

Oh, that moment when kids start to read and don't want to stop! I would be so torn- like you - between encouraging it and dreading the impact on the morning.
I sincerely hope the infusions make a difference. Crossing my fingers, hard. <3