Friday, June 7, 2024


This week was a bit of a mixed bag with high highs and low lows. Here's how it shaped up.

A book I am reading this week is The Secret Book of Flora Lee.’ It’s sort of set during WWII which is usually a genre I avoid because I got so burned out on it. But Kyria gave it 5 stars and she doesn’t give books 5 stars all that often so I felt compelled to read it, especially since we often like the same books! Plus most of the book seems to take place in 1960s so the WWII theme is very much in the background. 

The high of my week was meeting up with Birchie! She’s on a long road trip and made a stop in Minneapolis! We went for a walk around one of the lakes in our city (Bde Maka Ska which was formally called Lake Calhoun) and then we got dinner. It was so wonderful to meet in person! Aren’t we cute (she gave me permission to post this photo!)!

The lows of my week were 

1. Getting the dreaded call from daycare that Taco had thrown up on Wednesday afternoon. Ugh! I had 4 client meetings on Thursday and it’s a very busy time at work for Phil so I scrambled to reschedule 1 of the calls and asked a colleague to take one of the other calls. I kept the other 2 as Phil agreed to stay home in the morning for my VERY BIG DEAL client call (meaning an 8 figure opportunity) and then the other one was during his nap. So it all worked out but I was scurrying to do all of this rescheduling while in the car to pick up Taco as I didn’t want to shift things the day of (in case it isn't obvious, my trusty uber driver Phil was driving - I never text/email while driving). 

2. My pesky flare in the first finger of my right hand is getting worse now that I've tapered down to a lower dose of steroids. I'm glad to not feel super jittery but the pain/swelling in that joint sucks. My infusion on the 13th can't come fast enough. I'm hoping and praying it makes a big difference right away. In the mean time I'm bumping my steroids up by 5mg and hoping it doesn't impact my sleep/make me feel shaky/jittery again. If that doesn't work my doctor will make an exception and allow me to get an injection in the tendon sooner than ideal. 

A show we are watching is the documentary about the Ashley Madison data breach on Netflix. Yes it’s a weird show to watch but documentaries are our thing and it’s prompted some good discussions about how one defines infidelity, what is forgivable, and what challenges a marriage can come back from. 

For workouts I ran on Tuesday and that is it. I had planned to run on Thursday but that did not happen since I was on Taco duty. Today I hope to squeeze a Caroline Girvan workout in, tomorrow I will do my ‘long run’ which is about 5.75 miles, and on Sunday I will do another Caroline Girvan workout. I’m almost done with her Iron program (which I have loved!) so need to figure out what to do next!

The best money spent was on dinner with Birchie! We shared some small plates and an entree and it was so good!

My plans this weekend include not much! Phil will go out to his mom’s with Paul one of the days of the weekend to help her around her home (if both are still healthy of course - fingers crossed the stomach bug doesn't move through our house). The weather forecast looks good so I will probably take the boys to the beach by our house one afternoon. When I went for a walk with Taco and a friend last weekend, he sat down in the water fully clothed when we stopped at a beach on our walk so I guess he’s more interested in water. Last summer he wasn’t. 

I love living walking distance from this lake! This photo shows how clean our lakes are! 

How was your week?


Birchwood Pie said...

Tuesday was so much fun! I've loved every place that I've been on this trip, but I think that St P/Minneapolis was my favorite. And yes yes yes yes dinner was so good and worth every penny.

It might be a weird choice for date night but I think the Hubs and I would love the Ashley Madison show.

Nicole said...

BIRCHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! How wonderful!!!
My husband watched that Ashley Madison show and said it was really fascinating!
OMG STOMACH FLU. Lisa, you are absolutely amazing. Don't things like this always happen at exactly the wrong time? But you did it (and wow wow wow, that is a HUGE client deal!). What a scramble it is, having such a busy job with little kids - they are so unpredictable in their illnesses.
Speaking of illness...gosh I hope that injection works and fast. I can't imagine how agonizing that is for you all the time!
Hope you have a great weekend.

Elisabeth said...

You already know I am jealous about your bloggy meet-up, but my jealousy is outweighed by delight you two got to meet up and share a meal.

Ugh. The dread of those calls is hard to describe to anyone who has never received one about their child. I hope he's 100% today and no one else gets the bug. There literally is no convenient time to have a child get sick, but it feels like they pick the most inconvenient of inconvenient times...

That flare is just the pits. Hoping it settles down soon and you can get back to maintenance instead of having to try such a range of treatments (with nasty side effects or lack of results).

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I am so glad that you and Birchie had a good time and good on her for making the trip! That is awesome and I obviously have not met her in person, but I just knew you guys would have a great time! Your photo of the two of you reminds me of how crappy you and I are about getting a photo every time we are together. I am always having such a good time chatting that I forget to do it, and every time as I am leaving, I remember and I am like, DOH! I know our memories are good, but why do we always forget to take a photo!?

Your flares suck, but it sounds like they are not AS bad? Which is good/better, but I am sure next week can't come fast enough! I hope that you like Flora Lee, or else you may disown me! I would not like that. I am currently reading the Indifferent Stars, I think it was Engie who first mentioned it(?), and I a liking it a lot too!

Jenny said...

Yay, Birchie!!!! I love finally seeing photos of her. I think she just doesn't want pictures of herself on HER blog, but she doesn't mind them on other people's.
Ugh, I can just picture how your heart sank when you got the call about Taco. Glad you were able to make it all work- and I hope everyone else stays healthy.
Well... the 13th will be here SOON. Hang in there. I hope it helps right away!

Sophie said...

Hooray for a blogger meet up, sounds like a lovely catch up! And yes your lakes are so beautiful. I’d love to visit your part of the US one day.

Oh so sorry to hear about Taco, vomiting bugs are the worst, and the scramble to re-organise everything. Well done for making it work. Fingers crossed your 8 figure client meeting is a success (that is a lot of money!!). And I really hope that it doesn’t spread - that wait is always hard, wondering if other family members will catch it. Have a lovely weekend.

San said...

Oh yay, it makes me so happy that you also got to meet with Birchie. She's been making the rounds ;) Isn't it so nice to meet and catch up in person?
I still have fond memories of our Thai dinner when you came to Sacramento!

I am so sorry about Taco getting sick at daycare that had you and Phil scramble. This is a hard situation for parents and I feel for you. I hope he's much better.
I also hope your RA flare is manageable until you get the infusion.

Coco said...

Blogger meet up is so much fun! I can't wait to meet some of you one day!
my week has been busy and continues to be, I'm actually working at the office on a saturday to advance things, so rare that I don't remember last time I did this. But to lessen my stress, i've decided to go over it and work. Hopefully I can relax tomorrow and feel less behind.

Jeanie said...

I love meeting up with a blog friend. That sounds like such a good time. I love those smiles (and who doesn't love small plates?). Taco, on the other hand, and your RA -- not so good. HOnestly, LIsa, I don't know how you do it -- a stressful job, two kids, and the RA and managing a house. I know Phil is a huge help but still, pain is pain and that makes everything harder. I really hope you can get the injection as soon as possible and till then that the steroids help. Five days away, so fingers are crossed for you.

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

Birchy and Lisa!!!!!!! You two are so adorable.

Ugh stomach bug ugh ugh ugh. I hope it stopped right there. And your poor finger! Lisa, this flare sounds horrific. I hope the increase in steroids helps. So frustrating.

I am so interested that the Ashley Madison documentary sparked some good conversations with Phil. I tend to use movies and books as fodder for conversations like that, but my husband and child kind of roll their eyes -- like, it's a movie/book, it's not real life! Of course, the Ashley Madison thing IS real life, so maybe that would be different!

Diane C. said...

Seeing the school number flash on my caller ID always fills me with dread. I always appreciate when the school calls and they say, "Hi, It's the school. Don't worry, everything is fine." before launching into the reason for the call.
Every time I read about bloggers meeting up I think, "How cool is that?!?!" it's like universes colliding or something like that...

NGS said...

Yay for meeting up with Birchie!! What a perfect way to show off Minneapolis.

Stephany said...

I'm so glad you got to meet up with Birchie! That's a great photo of the two of you. <3

Ugh, between the sick kiddo and the flares, it's been a WEEK for you. I hope the sickness didn't run through the rest of the family and that injection appointment comes FAST.

Mom of Children said...

Fellow blogger meet-up. Amazing!!
I've gotten calls like that, too. Ugh. So sorry you had to deal with that. I've been pulled out of a lesson, a meeting, and of student supervision b/c of kids' illnesses... It's not fun. You handled it, so here is your hug! :)

Ernie said...

This is one of your posts that I wrote a comment for and then my phone refused to post it. I remember saying how great it was that you and Birchie met up. And I love that you have water within walking distance to your house. So fun!

Anne said...

YAY for a Birchie meet up. I know, too, how lovely they are, and how wonderful she is. The other thing I love? How honest you are about the lows and how they intertwine with the highs every week. Thank you for keeping it real and continuing to share here. <3